Staff Attend ADA Celebration

From left: Matt Fisher, Diane Paxton, Jodie Rollins, MS '16, Julia Mertens, Erin Glover
From left: Matt Fisher, Diane Paxton, Jodie Rollins, MS ’16, Julia Mertens, Erin Glover

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion sponsored a table at the 25th anniversary celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act on Boston Common on July 22. Disability Services (DSO) staff members Diane Paxton, Matt Fisher, and Erin Glover staffed an informational table, along with DSO grad assistant Jodie Rollins, MS ’16, and Julia Mertens of the FACE Lab.

Paxton said of the opportunity, “We’re thrilled that the DSO had a role in this important event celebrating social justice! We made valuable connections with other higher education institutions, providers, and activists in the local community and at the national level.”