Staff Make Emerson’s First Fresh Check Day a Success

On October 21, more than 100 students attended Emerson’s first Fresh Check Day, an interactive wellness fair. A program of the Jordan Porco Foundation, the fair brings the campus community together to “check-in” on the mental health and wellness of its students. The first floor of the Max Mutchnick Campus Center was transformed into an expo center of interactive exhibits with games and activities ranging from mini-golf to crafts, along with food, prizes, and giveaways. One lucky student, Elizabeth Steele, won a 32” flat screen TV.

“I am thrilled about how the event turned out,” said Kellie Fuller (Office of Student Success), who organized the event with the help of a committee. She was thankful for the 50+ staff volunteers who helped make the event a success. Jason Meier (Student Activities) commented that his favorite part of Fresh Check Day was seeing how many campus departments came out to share information concerning mental health with so many students.

The planning committee consisted of: Kellie Fuller and Chris Daly (Office of Student Success), Elise Harrison (ECAPS), Diane Paxton and Matt Fisher (Disability Services), Laura Owen (Center for Health and Wellness), Jason Meier (Student Activities), Melanie Matson and Greta Spoering (VPR), and Caitlin Courtney (Housing and Residence Life).

The following offices set up wellness–themed activity booths: ArtsEmerson, Student Conduct, Office of Student Success, Academic Advising, Lacerte Family WARC, Diversity and Inclusion, Housing and Residence Life, ECAPS, Center for Health and Wellness, and Disability Services. Booth themes ranged from “Look for the Good” by Academic Advising to “Paint Your Art Out” by ArtsEmerson.

Fuller noted that a team of staff from multiple departments meets monthly to discuss wellness and mental health topics. “We want to keep the conversation going throughout the year, making mental health a priority,” she explained. If other staff members are interested in joining the conversation, they can contact Fuller.

Fresh Check Day is the signature program of the Jordan Porco Foundation, a nonprofit organization located in Hartford, Connecticut, that is dedicated to preventing suicide in the high school, college, and college-entry student population. The organization sponsors Fresh Check Days at campuses around the country.

Jill Davidson (Academic Affairs)