Take the Rideshare Survey!


Who: Full-time staff

When: March 21–25, 2016

Where: emerson.edu/rideshare

Contact: Mary Higgins at  mary_higgins@emerson.edu

Take the Rideshare Transportation Survey and be eligible to win great prizes! You will need to log in with your user name and password to complete the survey.

$100 Visa Gift Card

$75 Visa Gift Card

$50 Visa Gift Card

Two tickets to an ArtsEmerson Show/One-Year Membership

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection mandates that employers of a certain size survey full-time staff to learn about their transportation choices as part of the Commonwealth’s Rideshare Program.

The survey takes 3 minutes to complete and all submittals are anonymous. The information will be used to reduce the number of cars on the road, provide alternative transportation choices, and improve public transportation.

The survey needs to be completed by ALL full-time staff by March 25, 2016.