March 21 Staff Forum Recap

Staff gathered in the Bill Bordy Theater for the first staff forum of the spring semester on March 21. President Pelton started the forum by inviting new staff to introduce themselves. He then gave an update on admission numbers. He said that the College received 13,000 applications for fewer than 900 spots in the new first-time entering class for Fall 2018. This is almost a 25 percent increase since last year over last fall and close to a 73 percent increase in the last six years. He also noted that the new academic programs are doing well and that College Factual recently named the VMA Department #3 in the country.

Pelton reminded attendees that the Colonial Theatre will open in June with a production of Moulin Rouge! He said that the number of Global Pathways programs has increased for this summer and that the College is partnering with universities abroad to create global portals, where students can earn an Emerson degree in partnership with Paris College of Art and Franklin University in Switzerland, starting in Fall 2019. He ended his updates by saying that the College has responded to all of the points brought up by students at the Faculty Assembly meeting last fall.

Robert Amelio (Social Justice Center, formerly the Division of Diversity and Inclusion) gave an overview of the 2017 Emerson360 climate survey results, which can be viewed online. He went over the top five positive statements and top five negative statements:


  • Diversity and inclusion are important to me.
  • I have a good relationship with my supervisor/department chair.
  • I understand how my job contributes to Emerson’s mission.
  • My supervisor/chair regularly models Emerson’s values
  • I know what to do if I receive a report of interpersonal violence.


  • My department has adequate faculty/staff to achieve our goals.
  • I am paid fairly for my work.
  • Our recognition and awards programs are meaningful to me.
  • Faculty and staff are meaningfully involved in institutional planning.
  • Our orientation program prepares new faculty and staff to be effective.

He stated that he and other members of the Campus Climate Committee are meeting with divisional leaders and managers to go over the survey results for their divisions, to help them prepare for meetings with their staff and faculty members about the results. All divisions and departments will be asked to set goals for improving low scoring areas. The Campus Climate Committee will then monitor the goals. He ended the presentation by opening up the floor to questions.

Candace Carter-Smalley (HR) spoke next about Emerson’s appreciation and recognition programs, which were rolled out last summer. The Award of Excellence is a monthly monetary award for staff. Nominations are sent to the appreciation and recognition committee members who then select award recipients. Funds have been given to each VP for divisional appreciation and recognition programming. And lastly, every staff member can send an electronic thank-you note to a colleague, which is also sent to the recipient’s manager. She ended her presentation by announcing all of the Award of Excellence winners since the award was launched in August of last year.

President Pelton returned to the podium for a Q & A session and the forum concluded with general campus announcements from attendees and a drawing for prizes. The next staff forum is May 23, 2:00–4:00, in the Bordy Theater.

Nancy Howell (Marketing)