May 23 Staff Forum Recap

The May 23 staff forum in the Bordy Theater started off with an invitation from President Pelton for new staff to introduce themselves. Then Art Mombourquette (Facilities Management) gave an update on College construction projects. He said that upcoming Little Building renovations include exterior panel installation, mechanical system installation, and work on the street-level façade. The building is on track to be “weather-tight” by November, at which time the work on the interior will begin. Much work is also being done in the Colonial Theatre in advance of the premiere of Moulin Rouge! on June 27. New seating is being installed, accessibility features are being added, and the backstage is being modernized, among other improvements.

Mombourquette announced that the building at 172 Tremont Street is being called “The Commons” and will be home to student support services. Many of those services currently housed in Piano Row will be moving to The Commons. Demolition is slated to start this summer with an anticipated completion date in January 2019. The Fitness Center will be moving to Piano Row from its current off-campus location with an anticipated completion date of August 2019.

He also noted that the purchase of 134–136 Boylston Street should be completed soon, and its purchase will contribute to what he called “Boylston Place-Making.” The College is working with the City on plans to add a raised crosswalk across from Boylston Place and widen the sidewalks on Boylston Street.

After Mombourquette answered a few questions, Kevin Cooney and Ashley Peterson from WERS announced that WERS will be holding its first-ever music festival on Boston Common August 18, called “Wicked Good Festival.” The festival will be free to attend and welcomes families. They noted the goals for the festival, one of which is to generate an alternate revenue stream by holding a one-day, on-air fundraiser June 22 called “Fund the Festival.” They also mentioned that the festival will be good exposure for the station and the College and that it will give Emerson students new opportunities. They encouraged the audience to get involved by attending or volunteering for the festival.

Next, Robert Amelio (Social Justice Center) gave a brief update on the Campus Climate Committee’s current work. Committee members have been meeting with senior leaders of every division, managers, and other staff to go over the results of the recent Emerson360: Community Climate Survey and how to set goals to improve in weaker areas.

Members from the SEIU 888 staff union spoke next about the timeline for contract ratification. The vote to ratify the contract is being held on May 31 in Walker 210. Members are encouraged to vote any time between the hours of 9:00 am and 7:00 pm, and drop-in info sessions will be held from 10:00 am to noon and 4:00 to 6:00 pm. HR has confirmed that all members can have release time to attend info sessions and vote. Members should let their supervisors know how long they expect to be at the info session/vote.

President Pelton ended the forum by giving some preliminary demographic information on the Class of 2022 based on deposits received for Fall 2018. A full report about the class profile will be shared following matriculation in the fall. He also reported on the College’s work toward becoming a global hub, noting that there has been an increase in short-term study abroad opportunities for students. The College is also in the process of working with Paris College of Art, Franklin University in Switzerland, and Blanquerna University in Spain to develop special degree programs.

Pelton mentioned that NEASC has approved the College’s fifth-year interim report and said that the College performed well in its five areas that needed improvement. He reported that the College recently received a $4 million gift, its largest ever, and that the College has raised a total of $10.3 million this fiscal year, which will contribute to a more equitable experience for all students at the College.

The floor was then opened up for announcements. Chris Daly (Student Success) invited staff to participate in the Emerson contingent of the Boston Pride Parade on June 9, and Shen de Leon (Housing and Residence Life) invited staff to attend the NASPA (Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education) Asian Pacific Islander Knowledge Community’s Massachusetts Social on June 13. Tricia Kennedy (HR) gave a reminder that HR is leading a walk on Spectacle Island on June 22.

Stay tuned for the 2018–2019 staff forum dates!