2018 Staff Appreciation Reception

The 2018 staff appreciation reception was held at the Dining Center’s Center Stage on June 21. Eighty-two staff received service awards. Congratulations to all of the recipients!

5 Years

5-Year Class

Craig Allen, Office of the Arts
Robert Amelio, Social Justice Center
Tom Barry, Enterprise Applications
Kevin Becerra, Office of the Arts
Loretta Bemis, Administration and Finance
Camille Bouknight, Undergraduate Admission
Robert Bousquet, Police Department
Alan Bowers, Financial Affairs
Matthew Carney, Housing and Residence Life
Kevin Cooney, WERS
Carlin Corrigan, IT User Services
Chris Daly, Student Financial Services
Steve Desy, Police Department
Derrek Eno, Facilities Management
Eric Glaskin, Student Financial Aid
Julio Guillen, Facilities Management
Shaylin Hogan, Office of the Dean, Graduate Studies
Annelle Kallman, Counseling and Psychological Services
George Knight, WERS
Julie McNeely, Iwasaki Library
John-Albert Moseley, Visual and Media Arts
Michael Novick, Marketing
Michael O’Connor, Police Department
Alexandra Parker, Undergraduate Admission
Craven Perry, Property Management
Mary Beth Pessia, Administration and Finance
Duncan Pollock, Facilities Management
Robert Raines, WERS
Jalene Regassa, Student Financial Services
John Richard, Budget and Planning
Steven Rossi, Enterprise Applications
Monette Salud, Budget and Planning
Gerry Sampuang, Facilities Management
Kathleen Shine, Student Financial Services
Patrick Summers, NEWMAC
Ashley Tarbet DeStefano, Elma Lewis Center
Sarah Teczar, Marketing
Estelle Ticktin, Communication Sciences and Disorders
Ryan Walsh, Office of the Arts
Haiyan Wang, Enterprise Applications
Jacob Wen, IT User Services
Matthew West, Office of the Arts
Michaele Whelan, Academic Affairs
Clare Wilson Pelton, Human Resources
Noah Wood, Enrollment Services
Sam Woodson, Marketing
Nadia Yassa, Major Gifts
Jarad Ziniti, Facilities Management

10 Years

10-Year Class

Candace Carter-Smalley, Human Resources
Robin Chace, IT User Services
John Choate, MTP Engineering
Daniel Crocker, Iwasaki Library
Francis Frain, IT Infrastructure
Suzanne Hinton, Academic Engagement and Community Action
Nancy Howell, Marketing
Christina Hunt, MTP Operations
Audra Kenny, Academic Advising
Eric Matthews, Academic Affairs
Diana Potter, Research and Creative Scholarship
Ladette Randolph, Ploughshares
Tom Richardson, Police Department
Justin Sharifipour, Enrollment Technology
Carol Spector, Career Services
Maria Ventura, Facilities Management

15 Years

15-Year Class

Bonnie J Baggesen, Office of the Arts
Efrain Chicas, Facilities Management
Ian Flynn, Student Financial Aid
Christina Harrington, Office of the Arts
Patrick Labadia, MTP Operations
Stanford Nance, Athletics Administration
Dion Pennick, Property Management
Jeffrey Pierce, Academic Advising

20 Years

20-Year Class

David Charles, MTP Operations
Karen Dickinson, Business Services
Adam Greenfield, Office of the Dean, School of Arts
Marie Kay Rimshaw, Communication Sciences and Disorders

25 Years

25-Year Class

Beth Joress, Iwasaki Library
Phyllis Meyers, Communication Sciences and Disorders

30 Years

30-Year Class

Debra Krasa, Performing Arts
Diego Salazar, Office of the Dean, School of Communication
Eric Schiazza, Police Department

35 Years

Robert Fleming, Iwasaki Library


Photos by Derek Palmer (Marketing)