March 20 Staff Forum Recap

President Pelton opened the March 20 staff forum by welcoming staff and inviting new staff to introduce themselves to the crowd. He then introduced Rob Butler (Finance), who presented a Financial and Facilities update, covering for Art Mombourquette, who recently left Emerson. He updated staff on upcoming Fiscal Year 2020 budget numbers, as well as future projections of the College’s budget. When the Little Building comes back online this August, it will house approximately 1,000 students, an increase of approximately 280 students. Including Boston, LA, and the Netherlands, the College will house approximately 2,886 students in FY20.

He also mentioned some capital projects that are being completed, such as the Little Building and 172 Tremont, and showed a draft concept of some amazing renderings of various signage types that we could be seeing around campus, as well as great slides with the upcoming sidewalk buildout on Boylston and the new crosswalk at Boylston Place.

Butler handed off the mic to Dennis Levine (IT) and Michelle Gaseau (IA), who presented on the new SEIU and Emerson Integration Committee. The committee was established earlier this year with membership including SEIU leadership and staff managers nominated by department VPs to create a strong partnership between the SEIU and the College, foster an excellent work environment for all staff, and be proactive in promoting best practices in workplaces on campus. The group meets monthly and members serve either 12-, 16-, or 18-month terms.

President Pelton returned to the dais and presented an early admissions snapshot of Emerson’s incoming freshman class. He noted that we had 15,000 applicants for a freshman class of 900, and it jumps up to 17,000 if you consider transfers and second-semester first-year transfers. Only seven years ago, Emerson had 7,500 applicants, demonstrating a strong demand for an Emerson College education.

This past year, the Fall 2018 entering class included 16% international students and 27% domestic students of color, totaling 43% of first-years who bring diversity to our student body. The admissions process is in full swing for the entering Fall 2019 class. Pelton noted that eight years into his term as president of Emerson College, the campus looks and feels different.

He then talked about the recent closure of some smaller colleges in the area. Many of these colleges were struggling with enrollment, demographic shift, and fewer students, but he reassured staff that Emerson is growing stronger.

Pelton touched on the College’s borderless campus, remarking on the Paris College of Art and Franklin University Switzerland programs.

He mentioned the recent and upcoming Board of Trustees meetings and then brought the meeting to a close by announcing that Emerson is changing to a single Commencement, with two hooding ceremonies for the graduate school programs. He asked for volunteers for either the Saturday hooding or the Sunday Commencement. To volunteer, please contact Vicky Peterson at or visit the Commencement website.

The 2019 honorary degree recipients will be announced in April.

Katie McLaughlin (General Counsel)