April and May Award of Excellence Winners

Christie Anglade

Christie Anglade, director of Housing and Residential Education, is the April Excellence Award winner. She will celebrate her two-year anniversary at Emerson this fall. She said of the award, “Winning the award is great, but reading the kind and thoughtful words from my colleagues is what made this so special! At the time, our department was going through a tough time. My team and I were burning the midnight oil—and right when I thought I may run out of steam, I started receiving the nominations. Reading those messages brought tears to my eyes and gave me the boost that I needed to push through. I’m proud to be a part of a community where my colleagues are encouraging, supportive, and so incredibly kind.”

Desiree Bradford

Desiree Bradford, the assistant director of student transitions in Student Affairs, is the May Excellence Award winner. She has been at Emerson for five years. Prior to her current role, she served as a residence director and an interim community standards coordinator at Emerson. She said of the award, “I am so thankful to have won the Award of Excellence. This last year has been a challenging transition in so many ways for everyone—especially the students joining us from Marlboro College—and I know that there are SO MANY amazing staff and faculty members who helped in this transition and also deserve it. The merger with Marlboro College was such a learning experience….I really hope the Emerson community gets to know this group and see how amazing they truly are.”

Nancy Howell (Communications and Marketing)