Winter and February 2023 Award of Excellence Winners
Summer Plouffe Vogel, the assistant director of business operations for Speech@Emerson, is the Winter Award of Excellence Winner. She has worked at Emerson for almost four years. She said of winning the award, “This award is incredibly validating. It means a lot to me to be recognized by my colleagues who I look up to and have learned so much from. I’m grateful to work with such wonderful people.”
Shaylin Hogan, the senior program manager in Graduate Studies, is the February Award of Excellence winner. She has been at Emerson for just over 10 years, starting in the Writing, Literature and Publishing Department before moving to Graduate Studies. She said of winning the award, “I don’t think I can fully wrap my arms around the overwhelm. My imposter syndrome is big. Mostly, I am grateful: for the recognition, yes, but more for the colleagues I get to work with, and who make my work possible, and—moreover—enjoyable. What I do doesn’t feel exceptional to me (especially when I hold up my achievements against the daily work of our colleagues!), so to win is really humbling and it feels really big.”
Nominate a colleague for the award through the Award of Excellence web page!
Nancy Howell (Communications and Marketing)