News and Announcements

Illustration of newspaper

In professional news…

A person holding College Ready book

Maureen Hurley (Student Affairs) is a contributing author of the 2023 edition of College Sophomore Ready: Expert Advice for Parents to Navigate Their Student’s Second Year.


Volunteers Needed for Move-In

Student move-in is just around the corner! The Division of Student Affairs is seeking volunteers to provide a warm welcome to our new and returning students. Major move-ins are scheduled for the following dates:

  • Sunday, August 27: International and BIPOC Pre-Orientation Move-In, and Griff’s Curbside Drop-Off in the Afternoon
  • Tuesday, August 29: New First-Time and Transfer Student Move-In
  • Friday, September 1: Returning Student Move-In
  • Saturday, September 2: Returning Student Move-In
If you are able to assist with move-in, please direct your attention to the first tab of this Google sheet, titled “FA23 Move-In” to sign up.

Reminders from IT

As a reminder, the deadline to move all of your data from Box to Google Drive is August 31, 2023. On September 19, IT will disable all access to Box, so make sure to migrate the last of your and your department’s data soon! Also from IT, please be reminded that ECwireless was retired on July 24, so we are asking all community members to log into Eduroam. Make sure to use your full email address as the username. If you have trouble logging in, please follow IT’s troubleshooting steps. Finally, as of August 16, please note that all new user accounts will use a dot instead of an underscore (i.e., firstname.lastname instead of firstname_lastname). As a reminder:
  • No changes will be made to any accounts/email addresses that were created before August 16.
  • It was already the case that all Emerson email addresses had an alias for, so all addresses were already reachable with that format! Accounts created as of August 16 will have an alias using the underscore, so that both formats are reachable for all users.
  • If a user created before August 16 (with an underscore) performs a name change, the email/username will update to use a “dot” instead of an underscore.

Help Create a Career Closet for Students

The Career Development Center, HIVE, and Intercultural Student Affairs are developing a Career Closet at Emerson and they need your help! This closet is a resource for students to access professional clothing donations. The goal is to have our students understand how to dress authentically and professionally for their careers.​ Help create a sustainable and accessible way for students to get the clothes they need. The team is currently building an inventory. Staff who are interested in donating can connect with Crystal Gomez at

Photo Caption Contest

Congrats to the winner of July’s photo caption contest, Eric Asetta (Office of Research and Creative Scholarship). His winning caption was “Working Vine to Five.”

Photo of a plant with the heading Only at Emerson...

We are now accepting submissions for August’s photo caption contest! Submit your caption of up to 20 words to by August 29 at 5:00 pm EST.

Art installation featuring a human face on the wall of the Tufte building, in a purple frame with the words "Only at Emerson"

We welcome you to submit photos for consideration as well. Email your photos to