June and July Award of Excellence Winners

Pablo Laguarda, production operations coordinator in the Office of the Arts, is the June Award of Excellence winner. He celebrated his one-year anniversary at Emerson in March. He said of winning the award, “I’m grateful and excited to highlight the work of my department. All of us in Production go above and beyond, sometimes outside of our role, and this practice is integral to the work we do. I am thankful that Emerson recognizes that.”

Zoom screen with 19 people, with text reading "Congratulations, April Jones! July 2024 Award of Excellence Winner!"

April Jones, director of disbursements in Finance, is the July Award of Excellence winner. She has worked in Finance for 35 years. She said of winning the award, “I appreciate being chosen for the award! I was taught you should always treat people the way you want to be treated.”

Nancy Howell (Communications and Marketing)