News and Announcements
- Homa Sarabi (VMA) received an artist fellowship from the Virginia Center for Creative Arts, supporting her film Lost Village, which is in the early production stage. Lost Village is an investigative personal documentary, searching for deep, hidden memories we hold in our bodies. Through collective choreography, exploration of intimate relationships, and archives the story unfolds.
- In August, Rebekah Dale (Education Abroad and Domestic Programs) took faculty members Sharifa Simon-Roberts and Rob Eckard to Norway with some additional funding she had from a 2022 Fulbright-Hays Seminars Abroad grant. Faculty member Jennifer McWeeny also joined the group for some of their activities, as she was in the country at the same time to present seminars through the University of Oslo. The group visited the Fulbright Norway Office and met with colleagues from the University of Oslo and OsloMet.
- Emerson Sustainability and student org Emerson Green Collective hosted an Esplanade Clean Up in partnership with The Esplanade Association on September 20.

And in personal news…
- Estelle Ticktin (recently retired from Communication Sciences and Disorders) and Steve Bohrer (IT) were married on August 23 in Newton, Massachusetts.

- Staff have two more chances this fall to visit the Vaccine Clinic, hosted by the Emerson Wellness Center. The dates are October 23 and November 6, 1:00–4:00 pm. The Emerson Wellness Center is located at 216 Tremont Street. Book your slot by visiting Emerson Flu Clinic Registration to book your slot. Please remember to bring your health insurance card with you on the day of the clinic.
- The Emerson Wellness Center also invites all staff and faculty to participate in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) Training this fall. QPR is an evidence-based program designed to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize the warning signs of a mental health crisis, engage in supportive conversations, and effectively refer individuals to professional resources. Training dates are October 31, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, and November 18, 1:00–3:00 pm. An RSVP is required due to limited seating. To secure your place, please fill out the QPR Registration Form. Contact with any questions.
- Staff are invited to register for free CPR classes on October 10 and 18, 10:00 am–12:00 pm. Email or for details.

Photo Caption Contest
We are now accepting submissions for October’s photo caption contest! Submit your caption of up to 20 words to by October 18 at 5:00 pm EST.

We welcome you to submit photos for consideration as well. Email your photos to