Second Annual Bring Your Loved Ones to Emerson Day

Theatre Ed grad student Melissa Costa teaches a youth theater game.
Theatre Ed grad student Melissa Costa teaches a youth theater game at Bring Your Loved Ones to Emerson Day.

Sixteen staff members brought more than twenty-five guests to Emerson on August 14 for the annual Bring Your Loved Ones to Emerson Day. Hosted by EmCares, the Emerson Resource Group for staff and faculty parents and caregivers, this year’s event was sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Human Resources, the Iwasaki Library, the Emerson College Police Department, Athletics, the Max Mutchnick Campus Center, and Violence Prevention and Response.

Steve Desy's (ECPD) son registers for an Identi-Kit.
Steve Desy’s (ECPD) son registers for an Identi-Kit.

Activities included Amber Alert Child Identi-Kits with the Massachusetts State Police, story time with the Iwasaki Library, open gym and ball pit, crafts and gardening, and a closing youth engagement theater activity. This marks the second year for EmCares’ Bring Your Loves Ones to Emerson Day and attendance quadrupled from its first program in 2014.

Maureen Tripp (Iwasaki Library) reads Caps for Sale.
Maureen Tripp (Iwasaki Library) reads Caps for Sale at the Iwasaki Library.

EmCares is an Employee Resource Group committed to providing support for parents and caregivers among staff and faculty at Emerson College. Its mission is to provide ongoing space for dialogue, discussion, and questions that are shared with the group in an open and safe environment. From these discussions, common concerns and issues for caregivers are identified, and meetings are held with Human Resources to discuss how Emerson can best support employees who are caregivers and how EmCares members can best support the College.

For more information please visit the EmCares website or email

Alayne Fiore (Diversity and Inclusion)