Emerson in the Community

Emersonians recently participated in two community events.

J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Road Race

JP Morgan Corporate Challenge
Bottom row, from left: Ashley Tarbet DeStefano, Chris Serwacki, Martha Mason; top row, from left: Sandra Gonzalez, Mary Higgins, Nicole Leete Barrell, Jason Meier, Annelle Kallman

Mary Higgins (Government and Community Relations), Ashley Tarbet DeStefano (Elma Lewis Center), Chris Serwacki (Alumni Relations), Jason Meier (Student Life), Sandra Gonzalez (Academic Affairs), Annelle Kallman (Counseling and Psychological Services), Nicole Leete Barrell (Web Services), and Martha Mason (Iwasaki Library) participated in the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge Road Race on June 11. In its 39th year, the J.P. Morgan Corporate Challenge® Series promotes health and camaraderie in the workplace while donating to local charities. Staff ran the 3.5-mile course in the Back Bay with proceeds benefitting the Inner-City Scholarship Fund.

Dragon Boat Festival

2015 lions

The Emerson College Lions raced twice in the 2015 Boston Dragon Boat Festival on June 13–14 and achieved its best race time in its five years of participation. The team was composed of staff, students, and friends of Emerson, as well as students from Charlestown High School, and represented citizens of India and China—proving once again that dragon boating is a sport of diversity and inclusion. Emerson team members were: Laurie Arnone (Center for Health and Wellness), Madison Bakalar and Brandon Bennett (Housing and Residence Life), Beth Joress (Iwasaki Library), Yvonne Ting (IT), Maureen Tripp (Iwasaki Library), and student Junqi Yan. Team sponsors were: the Office of the President, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Iwasaki Library, and the Elma Lewis Center.