When COVID-19 arrived in full force in March 2020, it upended everyone’s way of life, including how we work, teach, and learn at Emerson. Many innovative partnerships were formed among…
A warm welcome to November’s new hires: Patrick Keane, Specialist, Desktop Support, Information Technology Michael McGarry, Senior Director, Procurement, Finance Linh Nguyen, Assistant Director, Employer Engagement, Career Development Center Odelis…
Scott Wallace is the senior manager of production for the Office of the Arts. He manages a team of 15 people who schedule, manage, advance, and help produce 700+ events…
people@Emerson is looking for more committee members! Email people@emerson.edu if you’d like details. And in personal news… Erik Osborne (Undergraduate Admission) and Samantha Moyer (Enrollment Services and Support) were married…
A warm welcome to October’s new hires: Melissa Anderson, Manager, Development Database and Analytics, Institutional Advancement Kenneth Danton, Associate General Counsel, Office of General Counsel Kristen Griffin, Residence Director, Housing…
The Emerson College Police Department gathered donations for the Toys for Tots Program again this year. The department thanks everyone who participated and sends good wishes for a wonderful and…
Britt Locklin, residence director in the Little Building, is the September Award of Excellence winner. She has been an RD in the Little Building for a little over three years….
Emi Bague is the Assistant Director for International Student Career Services in the Career Development Center (ECDC). She primarily serves Emerson’s international student and alumni populations, educating and supporting them…
The Thanksgiving holiday is upon us! Here are some staff members’ Thanksgiving traditions and recipes: Traditions My dad’s family has a famed (infamous?) Depression-era tomato soup cake that has become…