Whether you like the beat, the instruments or the lyrics, there is much more to every song and artist than you may think.
During PRSSA ICON 2023, I attended the breakout session “Look at the World of a Music Publicist” presented by Keisha Monique and Shawn Caesar, where I learned about the world of PR and marketing professionals that bring the music industry to life. During the presentation, I gained valuable insights and advice from Monique and Caesar, who each had several years of experience working across different facets of the industry.
Monique is a PRSA board member with 15 years of experience in strategic marketing and communications and the founder of Keisha Monique Public Relations firm. Her experience includes collaborations with BET Television, TMZ, NBC News, Power 104.7, DTLR and more. Caesar is a DJ and music producer who co-founded Unruly Records and DTLR Radio. He has worked with artists such as DJ Quicksilva, Jack Harlow, Megan Thee Stallion and many more. Currently, he is the Vice President of Marketing at DTLR.
Monique started the session by highlighting the importance of passion when it comes to the music industry. The music industry is not a cookie-cutter field, she emphasized, and in order to succeed, aspiring publicists must use their genuine interest and passion to break through the competition. Although simple and seemingly apparent, this insight excited and inspired me as an aspiring music industry professional.
Monique and Caesar then went on to talk about the areas they handle as music publicists. They are in charge of event promotion, social media management, crisis management, interview preparation, content promotion, branding and marketing collaborations and much more. This list of responsibilities made me even more eager to strive towards being a music publicist one day. I am passionate about the music industry and being able to also take part in PR at the same time makes me even more excited to work towards my goal.
The two also stated that a music publicist is an individual who serves as a bridge from the artist to the target audience. I want to be that bridge and hearing them talk about how they are/ have been that bridge has been truly inspiring and has helped me view the industry with a fresh mindset and fresh set of eyes. Serving as this bridge can be a lot and it truly requires understanding both the artist’s brand and their audience’s needs. There is no faking it until you make it when it comes to the music industry. Hard work and passion can help you not just to be this bridge but to be successful.
Being in that room while the two shared insights into their distinct campaigns and projects within the music industry, along with recounting their journeys as music publicists, solidified that this is the career path I envision myself finding fulfilment and happiness. Being able to combine the two things I love through music and public relations is exhilarating to me. While the competition within the music industry is pretty intense, I know that with drive, passion and love for music, I am well-equipped to succeed. There are so many amazing aspects of being a part of the music industry, but the most important thing Monique and Caesar preached was to remember that you need to believe in yourself and be willing to take risks to get to where you want to be to succeed.
About the Author: Mackenzie Wren (She/Her), Junior, Public Relations Major, Journalism Minor, Podcasting, Radio & Streaming Media Minor
Mackenzie is a junior Public Relations major with minors in Journalism and Podcasting, Radio & Streaming Media. She joined PRSSA to become more immersed within the PR community, as well as meet more individuals who love what she loves. Outside of PRSSA she is involved in WECB, where she is a Programming Director and co-hosts the radio show “girls, interrupting”. She is also Social Chair for her sorority Alpha Epsilon Phi. Off- campus, Mackenzie loves the beach and enjoys discovering new music.