The Art of PR: A Candid Conversation with Alexa Ferra

By Jaclyn Galvin

From PRSSA to the Pérez Art Museum Miami, Alexa Ferra is well-versed in the PR realm. Ferra is a graduate from the University of Miami and currently serves as the Director of Marketing and Communications at the Perez Art Museum Miami. While at UM, she worked her way up the ranks in the PRSSA program, culminating as the President. She mentioned that she loved PRSSA because it was “a really great way to dive deeper than what you do in your coursework.” Her favorite parts of her PRSSA experience were talking to speakers and going on agency tours. 

During her senior year, Ferra held two internships at the same time in order to diversify her portfolio. One of these was at an agency, which she encouraged everyone to try at one point. She said that it was a different experience because of the fast-paced environment. While she didn’t stay at the agency after graduation, she appreciated the experience. Just a few months after graduation, Ferra got her job at the Pérez Art Museum Miami, where she has been for the past ten years. She has held essentially every position within the communications department at the museum and has worked on numerous projects and events including a total rebranding. She had a lot of advice for us based on her experiences.

One skill that makes students marketable to employers is a passion for learning. Utilizing the free workshops online like LinkedIn Learning or gaining certificates helps to make you look more well-rounded. “Get your certifications, because it’s nice to see that individuals are constantly willing to learn and add more under their belt,” Ferra said. Another skill students should perfect is writing. While passion is important, your writing skills can reflect that passion in any tactical or social materials. 

As the Director of Marketing and Communications, Ferra must be organized in order to manage all the requests coming into her from various parts of the museum. She noted that she recently implemented a communications request form to streamline any requests coming to her from the museum in order for her to better collect information. Something that helped Ferra be more organized early in her career is lists as well as her agenda book.  

One of the biggest pieces of advice she gave us is to not overwork yourself and make sure that you are still making time for things that you care about. “I’m always doing something, it’s just who I am,” she says. “I’m a workaholic and I have a family too, but I needed to make restrictions for myself.” But, don’t constantly overwork yourself because then your overall performance will be hindered. Have outlets other than work to express yourself. For Ferra, this comes in the form of a wine blog, where she has gained a relatively large following (@alexaswinediary on Instagram). 

As Ferra is a young Latina woman, she has had numerous experiences where people didn’t take her seriously, or she was underpaid. She said that sometimes she has to make her own confidence in those situations. That can come from something as simple as her wearing heels instead of flats! Some more advice she had for young people is to “apply, apply, apply! Don’t be discouraged to put yourself out there. Be persistent and keep track of who you’re contacting, someone will respond to you I promise you.”

Thank you Alexa for sharing the advice you had for us! Stay tuned for the announcement of our next Candid Conversation.

Virtual Events are Here to Stay

PRSSA Candid Conversation with Jessica Staropoli and Kourtney Karr

By: Jaclyn Galvin and Thea Nagle

Jessica Staropoli and Kourtney Karr spoke to the Emerson College chapter of PRSSA on January 12 for the Candid Conversations series. Jessica and Kourtney work as the Director and Senior Manager, respectively, of the global lifestyle marketing agency MKTG, which humanizes brands through live events. Some of their clients include IBM, FedEx, Nike and Toyota. 

MKTG has multiple core services, sports and entertainment consulting, hospitality and events, experiential, digital, social, content and influencers, B2B, and Research and Measurement. These various core services work together to create the best live experience possible. In a normal year, MKTG helps to put on over 80,000 events yearly. Due to COVID-19, their 10 domestic and 31 international offices had to shift to an online event style for clients. While the pandemic has sidetracked most live events, some events can be held in a safe, hybrid environment to maintain the effectiveness of live events hosted by a brand. 

There is some opportunity that will come out of the pandemic. “Technology is here to stay and some clients are going to continue to hold virtual events beyond the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Jess Staropoli, MKTG Senior Manager. MKTG is innovating and creating virtual events for clients that continue to humanize brands and connect brands to their audience. 

Jessica and Kourtney have learned a lot from working with clients on virtual events. An important question to ask your client before the virtual event is ideated is, “what is your end goal with this event,” said Jessica. There are typical large-scale events that do not make sense as virtual events, and trying to turn them into successful virtual events is not recommended. Virtual events are ideated and executed in very strategic ways that differ from live events. MKTG learned that a “COVID-19 plan was pivotal for successful events. Covid taught us the importance of having a crisis communication plan,” Kourtney explained. Numerous aspects can throw a live events schedule off track, so being able to hold successful virtual events is a great skill set. Studying successful virtual events and practicing creating your own is “knowledge that is super valuable and will allow you to make yourself more marketable in the industry,” Jessica advised. 

While Jessica and Kourtney have learned a lot professionally from working in a pandemic, they have also learned some personal lessons in self-care. “Self-motivation is everything, when in doubt just look at things from a different angle and always find the positive in everything that you do but, don’t force anything upon yourself,” Jessica mentioned. It is important to take time to reflect on how you are personally feeling to put your all into working from home. The pandemic has shifted the workforce drastically, so self-awareness and self-care are important now more than ever.

Learning about MKTG and the events they put on was so informative during this session of Candid Conversations. Stay tuned for another blog post regarding MKTG’s trainee program! Our next Candid Conversation is Tuesday, Feb. 2 at 6 p.m. with Elizabeth Moss.

The “New Normal” for PRSSA

By Jaclyn Galvin, President

The Fall 2020 semester is anything but normal, but with the help of zoom, our membership is still active as ever! At the beginning of September, the E-Board took part in a virtual organization fair where we spoke to potential new members of PRSSA. We had a lot of potential new members speak to us here. 

Coming up this semester, we are working on professional development. The main way we are doing this is by encouraging our members to take part in the mentorship program that PRSSA provides online. We are holding a discussion later in the semester on the benefits of having a mentor, how to get a mentor, and what mentors do!

Members of our chapter are so excited to attend an online version of PRSSA’s International Conference, ICON next week. Due to the online format of the event, more of our members have the opportunity to attend. We know that this event is so valuable for learning more about the industry, and are excited to listen to the speakers and participate in the events. 

This semester, we are also bringing back our Candid Conversations event. Candid Conversations brings industry professionals to our membership in order for students to learn about various professions within the public relations field. Our first event begins tonight with Matthew Sacco, a governmental consultant for Rubin, Turnbull & Associates. We are so excited to have him speak to our membership!

Even though this semester is not normal, we are doing our best to continue to provide opportunities for our members to learn and grow as public relations professionals. We cannot wait to see the growth among these individuals as we continue our journey through college in these times.