Profile: Tim Douglas

Tim Douglas is a member of the Emerson “quadfecta” club: not only is he a staff member, but he is also a faculty member and has undergrad and grad degrees from Emerson. He is an assistant director in the Academic Advising Center.

He has worked in Advising for more than three years, so he will soon be seeing off the first cohort that he guided through the advising process. All students meet with Advising staff once a semester for their first three semesters, and then they transition to faculty advisors. However, they are always welcome to return to the Advising Center.

Douglas helps students figure out how they can do what they want in their academic program, e.g., fit in two minors or go to the Castle or LA, “in the most efficient and least expensive” manner. He also works closely with student-athletes to help support their commitment to the College. He is responsible for ensuring that students understand what support services are available, and he makes referrals to Student Success, ECAPS, Lacerte Family WARC, and Student Accessibility Services. He enjoys his work because of the students’ enthusiasm, and he likes to see how they grow over their four years here.

Before working in Advising, he worked in Undergrad and Grad Admission, where he recruited students at fairs and events, evaluated undergraduate applications, worked with graduate program directors, and oversaw electronic communications.

After graduating from Emerson with an undergrad degree in Acting, he pursued acting and performed in the original cast at Improv Asylum in downtown Boston. He also spent time in Chicago training with Second City. When he returned to Massachusetts, he managed a call center for the Share Group and then became partnership coordinator at Zipcar. All the while, he was auditioning for voiceover work and doing freelance audio and web production work. He was hired for his first full-time job at Emerson after working on a four-issue podcast for Admission. He obtained an MA in Communication Management while working in Admission.

Currently, Douglas is using his background in acting and comedy to teach a comedy overview course in the Comedic Arts program, and he has also held improv workshops with Business of Creative Enterprises majors.

When he is not busy working, he is spending time with his wife, Lori Salmeri, and their son, Enzo. Skiing is a big passion of his, and his favorite place to ski is Mont Tremblant in Quebec. He also enjoys his creative pursuits of voiceover acting, playing the guitar, and singing. He and his family live in Somerville, Massachusetts.