Emerson360 Survey: Everything You Need to Know

Emerson is gearing up for a transformative initiative through the Emerson360 community survey! This comprehensive 360-degree survey invites students, staff, and faculty to share their unique experiences, which will provide valuable insights that contribute to the College’s commitment to equity, access, and social justice. Here’s everything you need to know about it:

What is the Emerson360 survey?

The Emerson360 community survey serves as a powerful tool for individuals to express their perspectives on the Emerson experience and culture. It creates a platform for open dialogue, enabling the institution to identify areas for improvement and initiate meaningful change. The survey focuses on issues related to equity, access, and social justice.

Why should you participate?

Staff members play a crucial role in the Emerson360 survey, as their feedback has historically led to institutional changes. Past surveys in 2014 and 2017 fostered adjustments, particularly in areas such as employee recognition and appreciation. The survey offers a confidential space for staff to share their thoughts, and their input will be instrumental in shaping Emerson’s strategic planning moving forward.

What can you win if you participate?

To encourage active participation, staff members will be automatically entered to win a $1,000 VISA gift card (which is taxable)!

How long will it take to complete?

The Emerson360 survey is designed to be time-efficient, requiring only 10–20 minutes for completion. 

When & how will the results be shared?

Anticipated to be released during the Spring 2024 semester, the survey results will be communicated through various channels. The Emerson360 community webpage, email, staff and departmental meetings, and other avenues will be utilized to share the compiled data and insights learned from the survey.

Who has made Emerson360 happen?

The survey is a collaborative effort involving multiple departments. The Social Justice Collaborative (SJC) leads the initiative, with the active involvement of departments such as Human Resources; Campus Life; the Office of Equal Opportunity; and Academic Affairs, along with valuable contributions from student, staff, and faculty representatives.

How does the Emerson360 survey get developed?

Emerson360 is tailored specifically for Emerson in collaboration with ModernThink. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential, with ModernThink assisting in benchmarking against other institutions. Questions are adapted and refined based on feedback from the Emerson community, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Thanks for your participation!

Conducted every few years, the Emerson360 community survey serves as a check-in point. It helps the College compare data between years, aids in real-time strategic planning, and ensures that initiatives align with the evolving needs of the staff, faculty, and student populations.

To conclude, Emerson’s commitment to fostering a campus culture of equity, access, and social justice is amplified through the Emerson360 survey. Staff, faculty, and students who participate become catalysts for change that will shape the future of Emerson!

Submit your feedback through the Emerson360 community survey from the unique link you received in your email from ModernThink by November 22, 2023.

Bhavana Rao, MA ’25