It’s common knowledge that Emerson attracts not only creative students and faculty, but staff as well. Learn more about just a few of our musically talented colleagues: Jason Beals (Marketing)…
Shari Stier, Peter De Andrade, and Jordan Mackenzie (HR) completed a Prosci Change Management Certification Training in Colorado Springs in August. They are now certified change practitioners and will be…
Congratulations to the following Academic Affairs staff who received divisional STARs (Service That Academic Affairs Recognizes) awards for 2017–2018: Bridge Builder: Anna Feder (VMA) and Donna Ott (CSD) Unsung Hero:…
Shana Healy-Kern and Justin Sharifipour (Enrollment Technology), along with staff from DePaul University, presented at the annual Technolutions Slate Summit conference in Chicago on June 28 on “Maximizing the Status…
The 2018 staff appreciation reception was held at the Dining Center’s Center Stage on June 21. Eighty-two staff received service awards. Congratulations to all of the recipients! 5 Years Craig…
The May 23 staff forum in the Bordy Theater started off with an invitation from President Pelton for new staff to introduce themselves. Then Art Mombourquette (Facilities Management) gave an…
Jaqi Holland (Lacerte Family WARC) attended the Colorado Wyoming Writing Tutors Conference April 13–14 in Denver, Colorado. And in personal news: Congratulations to the following staff who graduated from Emerson…