The Sun Comes Up looking for cast and crew

The Sun Comes Up – We are an EIV short film about love, loss, and coming of age when you’re already an adult.
Following her mother’s sudden death, a college student comes to terms with the flawed relationship they had while pursuing a new romance. For more information and updates, follow us on our social media @thesuncomesup.eiv

Crew positions description:
1st AD, APs, 1st AC, Gaffer, Key Grip, Grips, Art Director, Art Team, Sound Recordist/Boom Op, Costumer, Editor, Asst. Editors, BTS Photographer

Cast positions description:
Jordan (female): A college senior who has to pull herself together as she rapidly comes apart after her mother’s death. Delilah (female: a fellow student who catches Jordan’s attention. Quirky and cool, but has a lot going under the surface. Trevor (male): a lovable jock and friend/classmate of Jordan.
