You Silly Goose

You Silly Goose is a sit-com television show production that provides a comedic look on how people from different backgrounds interact with each other in a college setting. In this show, Jamie’s plans for his Junior year at Emerson take a turn when a man dressed as a goose accidentally ruins his social and academic life.

Shooting dates: March 12-14, April 2-3
Hiring weekend (1/29-31) via zoom: Meeting ID: 980 3249 6984 Passcode: goose

Crew positions description:
Marketing Director Promotional Content Creator (Marketing) Assistant Director 2nd Assistant Director of Photography Gaffer Best Boy Production Designer Assistant Camera Associate Producer Sound Recordist Head Editor Assistant Editor Sign up sheet:

Cast positions:
description*Disclaimer: The genders of all the characters are NOT based* Jamie Bennett – Jamie, 20, is the shy spineless roommate of Greg. Jamie Also has a year-long crush on Katie, which everyone knows about but Katie and it makes Jamie embarrassed when someone brings it up. Ralphie Adler – Ralphie, age unknown, is a political science major and self-proclaimed geese rights, activist. He is 100% convinced that he is a half goose, half-human, and always wears a feathery goose costume. Greg Bauer – Greg, 20, is a comedic art major at Emerson. Greg is a fun-loving guy who is along for the ride, but he reeks of his father’s money and he looks like the type of guy that would bully you in high school. Katie Newman – Katie, 20, is the director of the Emerson show “The Great Debate”. She is the center of Jamie and Ralphie’s love triangle. She is a very forward and honest person and often says whatever is on her mind. Professor Martin – Professor Martin, 30’s, is the professor for Writing for the Screen, which is a class that Jamie, Ralphie, Greg, and Katie all take together. Professor Martin is a washed-up Disney Channel writer that teaches classes at Emerson for a paycheck. Zeeo Zap – Zeep Zap, 20, is in Greg, Ralphie, and Jamie’s Writing for the Screen class and is writing partners with Greg. Zeep Zap is known for interrupting class with bad puns and then loudly proclaiming that you have been “Zeep Zapped”. Sign up sheet:
