Ratings System

Rating System Key

We at the Bright Lights Cinema Series are committed to a diverse and intersectional program of arthouse cinema released in the last two years. We endeavor to help our audience identify a range of films of interest by interest or experience.

Feminist (Bath Film Festival rating)
Founded by Holly Tarquini in 2014, the F-Rating is awarded to films which are directed and/or written by women. If the film also features significant women on screen in their own right it is TRIPLE F-Rated. The ‘F’ is for FEMINIST as the rating is designed to champion women and non-binary individuals to redress the imbalance in the film industry. For more info visit the F-Rated website. We apply this rating to include filmmakers and stories of all marginalized genders.

Gender Diversity (directed by filmmakers of marginalized genders)
We have made a commitment to screening the work of filmmakers of marginalized genders for at least half of our program.

Directed by BIPOC filmmakers and /or amplifying BIPOC stories
We are committed to presenting and highlighting work by BIPOC filmmakers and amplifying BIPOC stories.

Emerson College community
We are always proud to highlight cinema made by students, faculty, staff or alumni of Emerson College.

Cinema dealing with the environment
We highlight cinema that is concerned with stories about defending our planet and it’s inhabitants.

Directed by disabled filmmakers and /or amplifying stories about disability
We are committed to showcasing cinema dealing with disability and made by disabled filmmakers. Respectability,  a diverse, disability-led nonprofit that works to create systemic change in how society views and values people with disabilities offers a toolkit for the inclusion of disability in cinema that is an excellent resource that informs our understanding of this work: https://www.respectability.org/hollywood-inclusion.

International cinema
We are committed to introducing our audience to a selection of current global cinema.

Directed by queer filmmakers and/or amplifying queer stories
We are committed to presenting work by queer filmmakers and amplifying queer stories.

Social justice cinema
We are committed to showcasing cinema that shines a light on some of the most pressing issues from environmental concerns, to exploring conflict and healing and extending equal rights to all around the globe.