Curatorial Statement

A Statement of Intent from our Curator, Anna Feder:

“Through cinema and conversation, the Bright Lights Cinema Series seeks to explore issues of power and privilege in such arenas as race, class, gender, sexuality, disability, gender identity, cultural identity, indigenous liberation, and environmental justice.

The series presents a wide variety of genres, but always with a focus on critical cultural concerns through the unique lens of the filmmaker. By inviting audiences into the cinema to engage in these events, we give them a space to embrace their joy and discomfort, and hopefully shift their perspective through empathy and discovery.

The Bright Lights Series places great emphasis on moderated post-screening conversations. This may take the form of a Q&A session with filmmakers, sharing their intentions or it may be with academics and activists to discuss the central issues of the film and its relevance to their lives. These well-researched and structured discussions are a key part of the cinema experience.

By providing a space to gather in community, we hope to break the siloed spaces around important issues, and bring together Emerson students, staff, faculty and alumni with the cinema-going public to address the most pressing issues of our time.”