Marketing is an ever-vital industry, and Emerson’s fully online Marketing graduate program prepares students to be leaders in the field. Today we’re highlighting Nahomie St Louis, a current marketing graduate student at Emerson. Recently rebranded, Emerson’s marketing program is now called the Master of Arts in Marketing (MAM). We’ll show a glimpse of what it’s like to be a marketing graduate student at Emerson and hear from Nahomie about how a marketing degree is helping her chase her passion.
Why Marketing?
“I always wanted to go back to graduate school but didn’t know if I could,” Nahomie says. She studied psychology in college and graduated from Salem State in 2013. After graduating, Nahomie worked full-time for 8 years before returning to school. “Now I’m glad that I waited because I would’ve pursued the wrong degree,” she explains.
As a poet, Nahomie started her graduate journey by researching writing programs. However, Nahomie now reflects that her interest in writing programs stemmed from a fear that she wasn’t a legitimate writer without a degree. “I felt like I needed validation for me being a writer and artist,” she says.
While she was thinking about graduate school, Nahomie was also working with a life coach. Through working with her life coach and engaging in prayer, Nahomie realized that much of the work she enjoyed was marketing and made the switch to start considering marketing graduate programs instead. Whereas her interest in writing programs came from a sense of insecurity, her interest in marketing was motivated by a passion for the field.
Why Emerson?
“There was no school in the area that was as strong as Emerson in marketing.” Nahomie recalls googling “Best marketing schools” and seeing Emerson College pop up. Passionate about helping nonprofits and small businesses gain visibility online, Nahomie wanted a program that would help her grow her digital and social media marketing skills. Emerson’s marketing program offered this rich, multifaceted digital focus. “The other school I considered didn’t have that social media, digital marketing component. Emerson had the most built-out, attractive program,” she adds.
In addition to being a high-caliber school, Emerson attracted Nahomie for its personable faculty and staff. “The advisors were the most comforting,” she says. “Accountability is really important to me, and they would actually call me back to follow-up on our conversations. There was this one advisor who was like an angel. She kept calling me just at the right time.” Nahomie says that her experience with Emerson’s admissions counselors helped her feel welcome at Emerson. “They made me think that Emerson College is supportive and human,” she explains.
What does a day in your life look like?
“In the mornings, I have to get myself anchored, so I start with reading, praying, and journaling,” Nahomie says. After this, she usually works on a project for the rest of the morning. As an author, youth pastor, student, and full-time worker, Nahomie has no shortage of projects. She’s also very close with her parents and often goes to their home to help them with various tasks.
In the afternoons, Nahomie heads to work from 1:30 to 9:30pm, where she is a Teen Program Director for the City of Cambridge. Nahomie is the founder and director of Virtual Voices, a Teen Program that empowers young girls to find healing and a voice in spoken word poetry.
After work, Nahomie heads home to either do homework or just unwind. “It’s a very busy life, and I’m trying to find a balance to take care of myself,” she says.

Do you like the online format of the marketing program?
“I think the online format is better for me. I thought I would need the accountability of being in person, but I’m so busy that being online lets me make my own schedule,” Nahomie explains. She adds that, while the program is flexible to her schedule, the professors are very involved and accessible. Nahomie has had great experiences with her professors, who are always willing to meet on Zoom if she has any questions or concerns. She also feels well connected to her classmates, describing them as welcoming and nurturing.
What is a struggle you overcame in graduate school?
“My first semester was filled with self-sabotage because I didn’t feel like I belonged there. I loved the course material but struggled turning things in.” Nahomie recalls finishing assignments on time, only to avoid turning them in because she was afraid of her work being imperfect.
Whenever Nahomie fell behind in her coursework, she says her professors were patient, understanding, and helped her regain her momentum. “They never made me feel uncomfortable for being behind,” she says, “and they helped me realize this program isn’t about being perfect. It’s about learning and growing.” It took almost two years for Nahomie to overcome this imposter syndrome and feel confident in herself and her work. Now that she is more sure of herself, she is excited to carry this self-confidence into her professional life and help inspire others to have faith in themselves too.
What advice do you have for prospective students?
“Especially for people who look like me, I want to encourage them to just go for it and pursue their dreams,” Nahomie says. She explains that she’s met many other people of color who struggle with feeling inadequate. Nahomie has also seen firsthand a lack of diversity within the digital marketing world and wants to empower people of color to pursue what they’re passionate about, whether that’s marketing or something else. “I want my story to help people chase after purpose and never settle for anything in life.”

What’s next for you?
“All I know is I want to help people. I’ve actually decided to leave my full time job to pursue that. I don’t know what that will look like, but I have faith that I am capable.”
After completing the Marketing program in August, Nahomie plans to find an internship or full-time position helping nonprofits and small businesses get more exposure online. She’s been working with career counselors from Emerson’s Career Development Center and is excited for this next step in her marketing career. Additionally, Nahomie’s book, Pursuit of Joy: A Poetic Autobiography, is now available for pre-order, and she’s planning a book tour for when the collection is released.
While Nahomie is not sure of what the future holds, she is excited to keep pursuing her dreams and helping others do the same. To keep up with Nahomie and her work, be sure to check out her website and follow her on Instagram!
For more information about Emerson’s MA in Marketing, visit the program website or schedule a call with an admissions counselor. If you want to read more about life as a graduate student, be sure to check out our Day in the Life series, where Emerson graduate students share their experiences.
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