Emerson’s New Online Digital Communication Leadership (DCL) Program Crafts Leaders

A woman with grey hair standing at a desk with multiple monitors, looking poised and professional
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash.

Emerson College is excited to announce its newest graduate program, Digital Communication Leadership (DCL). This online program is carefully designed for working communication professionals who are looking to advance their careers into leadership roles. With Emerson’s DCL program, you can fill in your knowledge gaps and gain the skills you need to move into a leadership role in digital communications. 

Fully Online, Fully Customizable

A huge perk of the DCL program is that it’s completely online and self-paced. With a combination of recorded lectures and other course materials, you can complete course work during lunch breaks, after work, or whenever you learn best. Whether you are a student or working professional, the DCL coursework is flexible with your schedule.

Additionally, the DCL program is customizable and allows you to pick classes that best fit your professional needs. The goal of this program is to expand your knowledge from your niche area of expertise so that you can be better equipped to lead different departments and professions. 

The DCL Graduate Program Director, Linda Gallant, describes the ambition behind the program’s customizable, diverse course offerings. She says, “To be promoted into management, digital communication professionals must be able to manage across content strategy,  social media strategy, digital analytics, web design, user experience design, and more.” DCL courses serve as an opportunity for students to round out their knowledge and experience so they’re equipped for this kind of cross-departmental leadership.

With just four required core classes, you get to choose three to four elective courses to help you learn specialized terminology of other marketing or communication professions. Choose between a wide array of course topics, like UX Design or Digital Crisis Management to build out your knowledge of other departments where you might have less experience. With the program’s expansive selection of elective courses, you can ensure you have the expertise to be a successful leader. 

Who is the Digital Communication Leadership program for?

Emerson’s DCL program is designed for working professionals who have specialized experience in the field of marketing and communication. If you have experience as a Marketing Manager, Digital Media Specialist, Account Manager, or any other marketing and communications professional, you would be a great fit for this program. 

The DCL program has two possible tracks: the Standard Format Curriculum and the Executive Format Curriculum.

For more junior professionals who are fairly new to the field, the Standard Format Curriculum is an excellent option. The standard track is 32 credits total, providing students with ample opportunities to grow their leadership and digital communication skills. 

A woman sitting on a grey couch in a black and white shirt, working at her laptop
The DCL program is fully online and customizable to your schedule. Photo by Christina on Unsplash.

Professionals who have been in their field for 5 or more years are perfect candidates for the Executive Format Curriculum. The Executive Format Curriculum recognizes the value of professional experience and counts relevant experience towards course credits. In this track, students may waive one elective course, making the program just 28 credits total. 

No matter which track you take, DCL courses will help you round out your specialized knowledge and take the next step in your career. 

Three women sit at a conference table, having a meeting and smiling
Emerson’s DCL program helps you become a leader. Photo by Christina on Unsplash

What Sets this Program Apart

While many online master’s programs help students develop digital marketing, public relations, and strategic communication skills, Emerson’s DCL program is unique in its focus on leadership. All four core courses focus on leadership and management in different  contexts. Linda Gallant explains, “The exponential growth of digital communication is calling for leaders to manage across projects, teams, and departments.” The DCL program’s combination of leadership and digital communication prepares students to successfully take that next step in their career as managers and leaders.

Another great perk of this program is the Project Management and Communication course. This course is one of the four course requirements for both the program and the Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate. As such, if you want to pursue the PMP certificate beyond the DCL graduate program, this course can count towards an educational component of the PMP certificate.

Careers for Digital Communication Leadership Students

With Emerson’s DCL master’s degree, students gain necessary skills for any number of management positions. Some careers include:

Regardless of what field you choose, the DCL program prepares you to become a leader and advance your career in the digital communications industry.
Overall, Emerson’s Digital Communication Leadership (MA) program is a versatile degree that equips students to become leaders in their fields. For more information about the DCL program, visit the program website or schedule a call with an admissions counselor.

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Olivia is a second-year student in Emerson's Communication Disorders MS program. Originally from Ohio, she is loving Emerson and city life. When she's not writing for the Grad Life blog, she loves to read, bake, and crochet.

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