The Green Film School Alliance (GFSA), of which Emerson is a founding member, recently added sixteen new member institutions, bringing total membership to 27 schools. The group, which is now comprised of institutions from seven U.S. states and four countries, is dedicated to reducing the environmental impact of film production.
GFSA members are committed to teaching students to incorporate sustainability practices into their productions. To do this, the group developed the Production Environmental Actions Checklist (or “PEACHy”), a list of practices aimed at lowering waste and reducing emissions from production. The checklist is based on the Environmental Media Association’s “EMA Green Seal” program.
At Emerson, students can pursued a green seal of approval through Emerson’s Green Production initiative. Last spring, at the conclusion of the first full year of the program, more than 15 projects obtained the certification. Even more are expected to pursue the opportunity this year.
Learn more here.