Tag: Kasteel Well Series

  • Kasteel Well 6: Flying Home

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig With the hindsight of winter break, it’s a lot easier to pinpoint the things that really worked out for move out and the flight back to Boston, and the things that really didn’t. For starters, I was so glad I had so little to pack during finals weekend—a weird…

  • Kasteel Well 5: Buying in Bruges

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig As the end of the semester crept closer for us Castle students, some friends and I were determined to get in some kind of holiday cheer as a last hurrah before the abysmal weeks of finals and finals prep were upon us. Although the first snow in Kasteel was…

  • Kasteel Well 4: Second Excursion and Learning Limits

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig Our second academic excursion seemed to arrive faster than a single blink. One second, I was tallying up all my assignments for the three weeks before midterms, and the next I’m a full week past our travel break and it feels like I never had a break in the…

  • Kasteel Well 3: Independent Travel and Brussels

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig Traveling alone is a daunting task, made even harder when in a completely different country that speaks a different primary language than you. Help from Castle staff and buddying up with peers makes it easier, but there are innumerable considerations to take into account, and adding sustainable methods of…

  • Kasteel Well 2: Travel Tips and First Excursion

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig Finally, onto the actual travel advice! Even if you aren’t staying at the castle, I’ll try and keep my tips applicable to general travel as well, even just for students that have to travel far to get to and from the main campus each semester. Amsterdam Excursion To give…

  • Kasteel Well 1: Introducing Kasteel Well

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig Kasteel Well is one of Emerson’s most popular study away programs, second only to the LA program. Most students go their sophomore year for a whirlwind semester of travel and academics in a 14th century castle. I’ve gotten the opportunity to be one such student this fall, and I’ll…