Weigh the Waste — April, 2023
By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig The final Weigh the Waste event of the year took place on April 26, Stop Food Waste Day. Eco Ambassadors ran the usual routine—tables out upstairs and downstairs with labeled, plastic tubs for weighing waste during the dining period—one last time before the end of the school year. This time,…
Tips for finding the latest climate and environment news
By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig Plenty of us use online news and media sites to curate our articles. Whether on the Apple News app or the New York Times subscription (here’s how to get one), there are lots of places available for Emerson students and staff alike to learn about current events. However, not all…
Weigh the Waste — March, 2023
By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig On Monday, March 20, Emerson’s Eco Ambassadors hosted the third Weigh the Waste event of the 2022-23 school year. Weigh the Waste is held to measure the amount of different kinds of waste students produce during an average dining period in the dining hall, in addition to recording students’ reasons…
Weigh the Waste — February, 2023
By Eco Ambassador Katelyn Koenig Wondering why we’re asking you to sort your waste this evening? You’ve come to the right place! During the fall semester and now once again in spring, Eco Ambassadors set up weigh stations in the dining hall to track the amount of waste that students produce in an average dinner…
December Weigh the Waste events brings in one pound of edible food waste per minute
By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig On December 7, the Eco Ambassadors worked with the dining hall to set up tables with large, labeled bins to collect all the waste from that evening’s dinner period. Eco Ambassadors worked the tables, directing waste into organized categories, both to encourage dining-goers to properly dispose of their waste and…
Where does Emerson’s organic waste go?
By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig Emerson’s Eco Ambassadors took a field trip to the Waste Management plant in Charlestown, Massachusetts on October 28. We visited their CORe facility and learned about their process for turning food waste into an organic slurry that is transported to the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District in North Andover. The wastewater…