Tag: By Katie Koenig

  • December Weigh the Waste events brings in one pound of edible food waste per minute

    By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig On December 7, the Eco Ambassadors worked with the dining hall to set up tables with large, labeled bins to collect all the waste from that evening’s dinner period. Eco Ambassadors worked the tables, directing waste into organized categories, both to encourage dining-goers to properly dispose of their waste and…

  • Where does Emerson’s organic waste go?

    By Eco Ambassador Katie Koenig Emerson’s Eco Ambassadors took a field trip to the Waste Management plant in Charlestown, Massachusetts on October 28. We visited their CORe facility and learned about their process for turning food waste into an organic slurry that is transported to the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District in North Andover. The wastewater…