Tag: Tech Series

  • Tech Series 6: Energy Storage

    By Sustainability Research Fellow Katie Koenig Part 1: Renewable Energy Storage Introducing Power Plants Electricity acts like the air that we breathe, or the water we drink—it’s that important to our day-to-day lives. Even a short blackout can send entire communities into haywire. Power plants, by extension, are vital to the functioning of our lives.…

  • Tech Series 5: An Interlude with COP28

    By: Katie Koenig Global climate talks are coming to a head this week with the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference —also known as the Conference of the Parties 28, or COP28—in Dubai. With this past year of record heatwaves and droughts across the globe, the major issues at the conference are all the more…

  • Tech Series 4: LED Lighting

    By: Katie Koenig As Emerson students, one of the quintessential experiences of living on campus is complaining about the overhead lights in every dorm. They’re bright, can’t be dimmed, and are harsh on the eyes. When bringing or buying your own lamps for the dorms or for your off-campus apartment, the major consideration is the…

  • Tech Series 3: Forest Restoration

    By: Katie Koenig (Sustainability Research Fellow) In the last Tech Series post, I focused on technological innovations and strategies for carbon capture in the energy sector. This time, I’ll be looking into another method of carbon capture, this one more based in natural resources and ecosystems rather than high-tech solutions. Specifically, I will detail our…

  • Tech Series 2: Carbon Capture

    By: Sustainability Fellow Katie Koenig With atmospheric concentrations of CO2 rising, and the impacts of climate change already affecting populations around the world, there is a greater need not only to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions but also to actually remove greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere. We have to go beyond reducing emissions in order…

  • Tech Series 1: Eco Dining

    By: Katie Koenig We all get takeout at some point in our lives, especially with the bustle of college life and late night deadlines. Whether it’s a muffin to-go covered in saran wrap, a cup of coffee in a waxed paper cup, or a meal boxed in plastic, takeout is a major generator of trash…