Category: Waste

  • Weigh the Waste Results Show decreases in Dining Hall Food Waste! 

    By Sustainability Coordinator, Jacqui Moy  Now that another academic year has come to an end, so has another year of Weigh the Waste events. By now, you might know what’s to come when you see our Emerson sustainability staff tabling up and downstairs in the dining hall during dinner time. Every month, staff help diners…

  • Emerson increases waste diversion by over 20%

    By Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy Our Spring 2024 Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW) programming has officially come to an end! CR2ZW is an eight-week waste reduction and diversion competition between colleges and universities in North America. We have been tracking Emerson’s waste data, hosting a wide variety of waste-related events, and launching our internal…

  • Insights from a Waste Audit

    By Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy Waste Diversion Fellow, Ria Wipperfurth suited up for our waste audit. On February 26th, the Emerson sustainability team dug deep into bags of compost, recycling, and trash from campus buildings to audit our waste. I know- yuck! But, in this gross yet enlightening process, we aimed to identify missed waste…

  • The Results are In: Waste Signage Focus Group Report 

    By: Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy Ever stood stumped in front of the waste bins at campus, not knowing how to sort your takeout container from Backstage Cafe?  Or maybe you’re running from one class to another with an empty chip bag in hand, only to find that signs are too hard to read and you…

  • Weigh the Waste- January, 2024

    By Sustainability Coordinator, Jacqui Moy Welcome back, Emersonians, to another semester of Weigh the Waste! On Wednesday, January 24th, Emerson Sustainability Fellows held the first Weigh the Waste event of the spring semester. Like last semester, Sustainability Fellows and staff tabled on both floors of the dining hall from 6:30-8:00pm and helped diners sort their…

  • Join the Race to Zero Waste!

    By Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy Each year, Emerson competes in the Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW), a friendly competition between colleges and universities to identify the leading institutions in waste diversion. For eight weeks from January to March, Emerson and other colleges will be submitting waste data including weekly recycling, compost, and trash weights.…

  • Calling all Volunteers and Free Food Lovers: Sign Up for Waste Signage Focus Groups!

    By: Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy  Waste signage around campus is crucial to improving sorting of different types of waste. You can find this signage all around campus by compost, recycle, and trash bins explaining what items go in each bin. We recognize that these signs can be confusing! Sometimes they don’t include a picture of…

  • Emerson Diners Significantly Reduce Food Waste!

    By Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy  On Wednesday, November 15th, Emerson’s Sustainability Fellows held the last Weigh the Waste event of the semester in the Dining Center. For more details on Weigh the Waste events this semester, check out our past blogs!  We totalled 84.4lbs of waste for the night. Compared to October, that’s a whopping…

  • Weigh the Waste- October 2023

    By Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy On October 26th, Emerson’s Sustainability Fellows held our monthly Weigh the Waste event in the Dining Center. As was done in September, Fellows tabled on both floors of the dining hall and set out clear plastic bins to collect diners’ edible food waste, inedible food waste, liquids, and trash, and…

  • Toner and Ink Cartridge Recycling 

    By Sustainability Coordinator Jacqui Moy Did you know that you can recycle empty toner and ink cartridges at Emerson through WB Mason?  Recycling your printer’s cartridges is a great way to keep useful materials out of landfills and help Emerson stay sustainable! Once WB Mason sends cartridges back to HP, they are recycled and made…