External Funding Opportunities: May/June 2021
The Andy Warhol Foundation and Creative Capital are offering the Arts Writers grant (due May 19) which supports both emerging and established writers who are writing about contemporary visual art. Ranging from $15,000 to $50,000 in three categories—articles, books, and short-form writing. These grants support projects addressing both general and specialized art audiences, from short reviews for magazines and newspapers to in-depth scholarly studies. (Individual Artists, School of the Arts, VMA, WLP)
The National Endowment for the Arts Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities program (due May 20) strengthens the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new humanities programs, resources (including those in digital format), or courses, or by enhancing existing ones. Projects must be organized around a core topic or set of themes drawn from such areas of study in the humanities as history, philosophy, religion, literature, and composition and writing skills. The project period can be between 1-3 years and the total award is up to 150,000. (Marlboro Institute, School of the Arts)

The City of Boston Mayor’s Office for Arts and Culture’s Opportunity Fund (due June 4): The Opportunity Fund aims to support artists in activities that continue their education and skill building, or helps bring free public arts experiences or events into a community located in the City of Boston. Any artist living or working in the City of Boston is eligible to apply. Preference will be given to Boston residents. Grants are awarded up to $1,000. (Individual Artists, School of the Arts, VMA, WLP)
The Whiting Foundation Public Engagement Programs (due June 14) including the Public Engagement Fellowship and the Public Engagement Seed Grant, are designed to celebrate and empower humanities faculty who embrace public engagement as part of the scholarly vocation. The programs fund ambitious, often collaborative projects to infuse into public life the richness, profundity, and nuance that give the humanities their lasting value. The Public Engagement Fellowship of $50,000 is for public-facing projects far enough along in development or execution that the nominee can present compelling, specific evidence that they will successfully engage the intended public. The Public Engagement Seed Grant of up to $10,000 supports projects at an earlier stage of development. Nominees should have fleshed out a compelling vision, including a clear sense of whose collaboration will be required and the ultimate scope and outcomes. Applicants must be nominated by Emerson by June 1 in order to apply. (Marlboro Institute, School of the Arts, School of Communication)
The Society of Environmental Journalists Fund for Environmental Journalism (due June 15) offers a small grant for journalism story projects on a particular topic. This year, the topics are: Environment-climate-religion connections, including underrepresented religions; and Environmental health and justice in the United States, including chemical/toxic exposure and pollution. Proposals that support multiple journalists are encouraged. Award includes a $2,000 stipend per journalist and other travel or project costs up to a total of $5,000.
(Journalism, WLP, Marlboro Institute)
Brown University’s George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation Higher Education Fellowships (application opens July 1 until November 1) are designed to augment paid sabbatical leaves for mid-career tenured faculty (Associate professors) who have achieved recognition for at least one major project. The foundation awards a limited number of fellowships each year for independent projects in selected fields. For 2021-2022, the selected fields are Photography and Film Studies, and the fellowship amount is $35,000. (School of the Arts, School of Communication, Marlboro Institute)