Month: October 2021

Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowships for Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers- Applications Due January 7, 2022

The Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation recently issued its 2021 call for applications for Fellowships of Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers

The primary purpose of the fellowship is to enable teachers (with an emphasis on present teachers at the college or university level) to study abroad or at some location other than that with which they are most closely associated. The aim is to stimulate and broaden the minds of teachers so as to improve and enhance the quality of their instruction. Grants are primarily for travel and related expenses (salary, scholarships, and equipment are not allowable on these grants).

If you intend to apply, please complete and submit an ORCS pre-approval form (which can be accessed via your Emerson ID and PIN) no later than Friday, December 10 (instructions for using the pre-approval form can be found here). The final application documents must be delivered to ORCS at least three business days before the sponsor deadline of January 7, 2022.

Forms and templates for the program can be downloaded here. The application consists of the following:

  1. Project Description (three pages maximum)
  2. Curriculum Vitae showing the application to be a university or college teacher
  3. Detailed budget indicating the estimated travel expense to be incurred in carrying out the project
  4. Completed Candidate Information Form (see attached document)
  5. Three letters of recommendation from fellow faculty members or professors. One of these must be from your department chair The supporting letters must be on official letterhead.

Award winners will be notified by email on Monday, April 4, 2022. Grants typically do not exceed $6,000 and may begin as early as the Summer of 2022. Projects must be completed no later than May 31, 2024. Applications received after January 7, 2022 will not be considered by the Foundation.

If you have any questions about this opportunity or the application process, please contact Eric Asetta or Diana Potter.

Faculty Advancement Fund Grant (FAFG): Now Accepting Applications for AY22-23

The Faculty Advancement Fund Grant, Emerson College’s flagship program for support tenure-line faculty research and creative scholarship, is now accepting applications for funding in Academic Year 2022-23. Pre-approvals are due by November 1 and are required to obtain the application form. The proposal itself is due by Wednesday, December 1.

The FAFG was established to enable the professional work of Emerson’s faculty in its efforts to sustain academic excellence in teaching, research/creative activity, and service. The Faculty Advancement Fund Grant supports proposals deemed likely to substantially improve the quality of research, publication, creative activities, teaching, and service that advance the mission of the College and the careers of its faculty.

Awards are administered according to the guidelines of the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC) in the Faculty Assembly By-Laws. Support for approved projects ranges between $1,000 and $10,000. Applicants may request monetary support or (in rare instances) support in the form of a single course release (see “Eligible Projects” for more information). The exact type and amount of award will be determined by the project budget request, availability of funds, and recommendations made by the FDRC and the school deans to the Provost.

Current FAFG awardees can find guidance on spending and managing their awards at the Utilizing Your FAFG Funding page.

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