We are pleased to announce that the Emerson College ORCS Funding Opportunity Database is now available to the Emerson community. Anyone with an Emerson ID and password can access and browse more than 400 funding announcements and proposal calls for grant and project funding.

Funding for faculty research and scholarship can come from multiple, diverse sources, including federal agencies, private foundations, academic fellowships, corporate partnerships, and other awards. Over the summer of 2021, the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship has been working diligently to curate a comprehensive, regularly updated listing of funding opportunities that may be of particular interest to faculty and researchers across the College. To better facilitate searches, we are reviewing opportunities, updating deadlines, and categorizing them according to sponsor type, discipline(s), school(s) and department(s), and applicant eligibility. Also included are Emerson’s internal grant programs.

More information on the database, including tips on how to navigate it, will be forthcoming on ORCS’s Finding Funding Opportunities page.