Articles on Proposal Writing, Grantsmanship and Professional Development: Spring 2021
On Grant-Writing: Just What Are Your Project’s ‘Specific Aims’?
What to include on the most high-profile page of your research-grant application: a section-by-section look at the key structural and content features of a specific-aims page, with tips that will improve the success of your grant application.

Covid-19 Has Robbed Faculty Parents of Time for Research. Especially Mothers
Women with children have lost, on average, about an hour of research time per day on top of what childless scholars have lost. Equity experts have urged colleges and universities to think proactively about how to change policies and procedures so that caregivers, women, and faculty members of color don’t slip out of an already leaky pipeline.
A Research Career at a Liberal-Arts College
It’s been over a decade since this article was first published, and yet it rings true today: the ability to carve out of one’s professional obligations enough time for reading, thinking, and writing should be the true measure of whether an institution is conducive to research.