Author: Eric Asetta Page 1 of 6

Limited Submission Funding Opportunity: NEH Summer Stipend

Provost Nomination Requests are Due Monday, August 19; Applications are due September 18, 2024

The National Endowment for the Humanities has announced its annual Summer Stipends fellowship competition for 2024. The NEH deadline for eligible proposal submissions is Wednesday, September 18. The maximum award amount is $8,000 for projects beginning between May 1, 2025 and September 1, 2026.  

The Summer Stipend program “aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. The program works to accomplish this goal by:

  • Providing small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both
  • Supporting projects at any stage of development, but especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective
  • Funding a wide range of individuals, including independent scholars, community college faculty, and non-teaching staff at universities

Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.  NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.”

Individual Applicants. An individual who has 1) Not previously held an NEH award in any of its programs for individuals; 2) Does not require the nomination of their institution (see “Faculty Nomination” below); and 3) Is either a U.S. citizen residing domestically or abroad, or a foreign national who has lived in the U.S. (or its jurisdictions) for at least three years prior to the application deadline, are welcome to apply.

Faculty Nomination. If you are tenured or on a tenure track and teach full time at an institution of higher education that is not exempt from nomination, your institution must nominate you to apply for a Summer Stipend. Institutions of higher education in the United States and its jurisdictions may each nominate one faculty member per deadline. Faculty members of any rank, who have not held a previous award for individuals, are eligible for nomination. Self-nominations are not allowed.

Exceptions to the faculty nomination requirement. You may apply without a nomination if you are:

  • non-tenure-track faculty at an institution of higher education
  • a staff member, but not faculty, at an institution of higher education
  • emeritus faculty

For information on applying for the Provost’s NEH Summer Stipend applicant nomination please refer to “Emerson Faculty Nomination Process” below.

This year, Emerson may nominate one full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty to apply for a Summer Stipend. The Provost serves as the College’s Nominating Official.

On or before Monday, August 19, potential applicants must complete the Application Form for Provost’s Nomination via Google Forms.  Applicants must include a one-paragraph summary of their proposed project for review by the Provost.   

By September 1, after review by the Provost, the nominee will be notified by the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship. The nominee will then have the opportunity to complete their proposals in time for submission to the NEH by its September 18 deadline.   

: Applications to NEH are submitted via directly by the individual. ORCS will assist the nominees with this process. 

On August 21, 2024, NEH staff will host a webinar for applicants offering an overview of the program, describing the review process and application components, and offering tips for writing a strong proposal. A live Q&A will be included. To join the webinar, click here. Closed captioning will be available

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Diana Potter or Eric Asetta.

President’s Fund for Curricular Innovation (PFCI): Faculty Development Seminar in Ghana 2024– Now Accepting Applications

ORCS is pleased to share this new Presidential Fund for Curricular Innovation (PFCI) opportunity with you. Instructions on the application process can be found below. Questions about the program may be directed to Dr. Anthony Pinder, Vice Provost for Internationalization & Equity, or Dr. Tuesda Roberts, Director for Faculty Development and Diversity.


President’s Fund for Curricular Innovation

2024 PFCI: Faculty Development Seminar in Ghana

Program Directors

Drs. Anthony Pinder and Tuesda Roberts


Accra, Ghana

Key Dates

  • Application Period: March 8th through April 8th, 2024
  • Applicant Notification Date: April 15th, 2024
  • Pre-Departure Meetings: TBD
  • Passport Submission Date: May 15th, 2024
  • Travel Dates: July 18th through July 28th, 2024

Application Requirements

Eligible faculty members can access the Google application form. The application requirements are as follows:

  • A brief bio (200 words max), uploaded as a separate document
  • A short CV, uploaded as a separate document
  • A copy of the latest syllabus for the specific 2024-2025 course you would use as the basis of your pedagogical plan
  • Responses to four short essay prompts (approximately 250-500 words each)

Applications are due by April 8, 2024.


The purpose of the President’s Fund for Curricular Innovation (PFCI): Faculty Development Seminar in Ghana is to provide an intensive short-term faculty development experience that builds on Emerson’s capacity for international education and the internationalization of the curriculum. The Ghana seminar offers five (5) Emerson faculty the opportunity to enhance their cross-cultural perspective, and open doors to collaboration with Ghanaian culture, artistic traditions, professional and creative enterprises, faculty also enhance their pedagogical frameworks. PFCI was designed an internal faculty grant program purposed to enhance professional development experiences of the faculty, departmental curricula and to increase curricular alignment with the institutional priority of internationalization and equity.

Program Objectives

Four primary objectives will guide this faculty development program in Ghana:

  • Creating (and sustaining) a culture of teaching excellence;
  • Advancing new initiatives in teaching and learning;
  • Supporting the individual faculty member’s goals for professional development; and
  • Supporting the expansion of faculty members’ understanding of diverse cultures, systems of knowledge, and business.

Eligibility & Selection Process

Five (5) full-time Emerson faculty members will be selected to participate in the 2024 PFCI: Faculty Development Seminar in Ghana.

Full-time Emerson faculty with scheduled courses to be taught during the 2024-25 academic year will be eligible to apply. Faculty from all academic departments and the Marlboro Institute for Liberal Arts & Interdisciplinary Studies are invited to apply.

Faculty who have a demonstrated pedagogical, creative, or scholarly focus on African/Africana, African American or Black Diaspora studies are encouraged to apply. In addition, faculty with limited or no global education experience are also encouraged to apply. Applications will be reviewed by the PFCI Selection Committee.

Faculty must have a passport that will be valid until January 28, 2025.

Program Overview

Faculty participants will develop a curriculum project and a plan to share their broadened knowledge and pedagogical adaptivity related to African or Africana creative and communication-based studies. Based on participants’ areas of specialty, each faculty member will be paired with their Ghanaian academic or industry peer. Participants will also engage with the faculty and administration at University of Media, Arts, and Communication (UNIMAC). Additional research and pedagogical planning will be required of the faculty outside of the seminar. Results of that research and planning should be evident in the implementation of their curriculum plan and the information they disseminate.

The PFCI: Faculty Development Seminar in Ghana will be composed of a pre-arranged itinerary that includes immersive group activities exposing faculty to Ghanaian heritage, history, and culture, and opportunities for the faculty to engage with Ghanaian scholars, creatives, and professionals, facilitated workshops as well as opportunities to engage in structured reflections with PFCI directors. The itinerary will be developed for the purpose of providing faculty information and experiences that are related to their curriculum projects and teaching responsibilities.

Due to the cohort nature of the seminar and the expectation that participants attend all scheduled activities; there will not be time for faculty participants to engage in extensive individual research during the 10-day Ghana seminar.

Financial Support and Responsibilities

Selected participants will be awarded a stipend of $1,000 (subject to applicable state and federal payroll taxes). Participants are encouraged to utilize stipend funds towards items listed in the “Expenses Not Covered” section, particularly the cost of obtaining the required yellow fever vaccine, which is typically not subsidized by standard medical insurance.

Expenses Covered

  • Round-trip airfare between Boston, Massachusetts and Accra, Ghana on the program start and end dates (approx. $3,000)
  • Lodging during the ten days of travel
  • Single-entry, expedited visitor visa for Ghana (approx. $100)
  • Some provided, group meals
  • Included activities and excursions as part of the program itinerary
  • Emergency travel/medical insurance through Zurich

Expenses Not Covered

Participation Requirements

Faculty selected to participate in this program will be required to do the following:

  • Obtain required vaccination(s) for purposes of entry to Ghana.
  • Submit physical passport and corresponding documents to Internationalization & Equity for purposes of obtaining a visa for entry to Ghana.
  • Participate in pre-departure meetings.
  • Travel together on the pre-established group travel dates/flights.
  • Engage in dialog, prior to departure, with PFCI directors and global partners to draft on-site professional development activities with Ghanaian academic/professional counterparts.
  • Formulate a plan that accounts for (1) the pedagogical and learning outcomes that would be enhanced by virtue of their participation, (2) how on-site experiences would substantively enhance a course that will be taught during the 2024-2025 academic year (3) submit a report about the professional skills and knowledge gained, impact on student outcomes, and implications of participating in the bilateral exchange experience. Each participant will be expected to submit this report prior to the end of the semester that follows the teaching of the focal course.
  • Jointly develop a panel, with other program participants, that will be made available to the Emerson community during the 2024 International Education Week (November).
  • Meet twice with PFCI directors during the 2024-2025 academic year to discuss progress implementing their pedagogical plan.

Call for Proposals: Norman & Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award — Pre-Approval due March 18; Applications due April 8


Several years ago, the late Dr. Norman Stearns and Irma Mann Stearns established a distinguished faculty award in their name to honor a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member in recognition of outstanding scholarly or creative achievement. A $3,000 award is presented annually to at least one applicant. This funding may be used to enhance an ongoing project or for the development of a new scholarly or creative endeavor. In accordance with the family’s wishes, travel is strongly encouraged to be a part of the project activity.

Key Due Dates

  • Pre-Application Notification Due: March 18,2024
  • Selection of Nominees by Provost, Deans, and Chairs: March 22, 2024
  • Application form sent to applicants: by March 25, 2024
  • Final Applications due to ORCS: April 8, 2024
  • FDRC Review of Applications: April 8 – April 17, 2024
  • Final Selections made by Provost: by May 10, 2024
  • Applicants Notified of Funding Decision: by May 17, 2027

Awardees must utilize their funds between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.


Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members are eligible to apply for the Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award.


In evaluating proposals, the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC) will consider:

  • The applicant’s scholarly or creative achievement(s);
  • The quality, merits, feasibility, of the project for which the award funds will be used;
  • The inclusion of travel as a necessary component of the project; and
  • Publications, audio/video samples, or other supporting material.

Pre-Application Notification

If you intend to apply for a Mann Stearns Award, you must first submit a Pre-Application Notification email to ORCS by March 18, 2024. The body of the email should include a summary (1-2 paragraphs) of your proposed project, and a brief description of how you would use the $3,000 award. After you have submitted your notification, you will be sent the link for the Mann Stearns application form (see “Application Instructions” below).

Review Process

All applications will be reviewed by the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC), and with input from department Chairs, school Deans, and Academic Affairs. The FDRC will make the final recommendations to the Provost for funding. The Provost’s selections are final.

Application Instructions

This year, we have migrated the application packet to Google Forms. The advantages to this format include:

  • Email recognition: The form will recognize your Emerson email and open a blank application that will be automatically saved in your name.
  • Elimination of portable document errors: Reviewers will log directly into Google forms to read applications, removing the need to send electronic documents back and forth and reducing the chance for error.
  • Auto-save: The form saves your work automatically as you proceed.
  • Document uploads: Budget requests are now uploaded as a separate file, and you can also upload supplementary documents to bolster your proposal. 
  • Ability to make revisions until the deadline: Applicants can make changes to their form up until the due date (April 8).

After you have submitted your pre-approval, you will be sent the link for the Mann Stearns application form.  After you submit your proposal, you will receive a copy of your responses via email, and will have until April 8, 2024, to make any changes. 

Applicants may include supplemental materials (publications, PDFs, media) that support their proposals with their submissions.

In addition to the application form and supplemental materials, a two-page curriculum vita should be included with each submission.

Final Report Requirement

A final written report is not required, but the successful applicant is expected to meet with members of the Mann Stearns family and other members of Emerson College to discuss the final outcome and deliverables.

Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF): Now Accepting Applications For AY24-25 Support (Due March 15, 2024)

The Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF) is now accepting applications for support in Academic Year 2024-25.

The AFDF supports the scholarly and creative activities of the affiliated faculty members of Emerson College. The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship administers the fund.

The application deadline for AFDF funding in Academic Year (AY) 2024-2025 will be on March 15, 2024. Grants awarded for AY24-25 must be conducted between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.


To be eligible for these funds, the applicant:

  • Must be a member of the Affiliated Faculty of Emerson College (AFEC-AAUP);
  • Must have taught at least one course during each of the prior three consecutive years, including the current academic year (2023-2024); and-
  • Must be slated to teach at least one Emerson course in the Academic Year for which the AFDF award will be granted (2024-2025).


The AFDF Grant will provide support for approved projects up to $1,500 each. The Provost makes the final decision for funding and determination of awards, based on the recommendations of the AFDF Committee.

Types of Activities Funded

  • Travel and expenses leading to scholarly, peer-reviewed publications
  • Travel and expenses leading to the production of creative and artistic works such as media productions, creative writing, performances, screenplays, exhibitions, audio and music productions, etc.
  • Travel and expenses related to refereed conference presentations of scholarly or creative activities
  • Travel and expenses related to presentations to industry-related conferences and conventions
  • Expenses for attending seminars and conferences related to new course development
  • Expenses for attending faculty development seminars and conferences to improve teaching skills

Types of Activities Not Funded

  • Activities that are already defined as part of affiliated faculty members’ expected duties and responsibilities.
  • Activities for which the affiliated faculty member is already receiving compensation, course release, or some other form of College support.
  • Additional salary or compensation for Emerson faculty and staff.
  • Retroactive expenses and activities

Criteria and Considerations

  • Applications must be complete, clearly written, compelling, well defined and easily understood by all of the reviewers.
  • Applications that are incomplete and do not follow directions may be disqualified.
  • While applicants may apply for consecutive year awards, the committee will evaluate proposals that are a continuation of any previously funded projects to determine if funding is appropriate.
  • Support for travel from the AFDF should be for activities that directly advance proposal activities.
  • Applicants are required to submit a report of their project after completion.
  • Applicants must be slated to teach at least one Emerson course in the academic year for which the AFDF award will be granted (2024–2025).

Application Instructions

Eligible applicants may begin their AFDF application by clicking on this link. After you submit your proposal, you will receive a copy of your responses via email, and will have until March 15, 2024 to make any changes.

AFDF Calendar

January 16, 2024AFDF is announced
March 15, 2024AFDF applications are due via Google Forms
After March 15, 2024Committee evaluation of all proposals and recommendations to the Provost regarding proposal support and level of funding
By April 26, 2024The Provost, in consideration of the recommendations provided by the AFDF Committee, will make final selections and award determinations. The Provost will notify the committee in writing, electronically, about the final awards.
By May 10, 2024AFDF recipients are notified that they are receiving the award.
July 2024 through June 2025Approved projects conducted
June 15, 2025Last day to request reimbursement for eligible expenses in Workday.
November 1, 2025Final report due for projects conducted during FY2025.

The AFDF Committee

Applications will be reviewed by Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF) Committee (“the Committee”) consisting of five (5) adjuncts, three of whom will be elected by the affiliated faculty, and two of whom will be appointed by the Provost. Members serving on the committee are not eligible to apply for awards from the Fund in the year(s) on which they are reviewing applications.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Eric Asetta at

Limited Funding Opportunity: Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Program, Round 2 (Applications Due February 2, 2024)

In partnership with the Graduate Student Association and the Office of Graduate Studies, the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship (ORCS) is soliciting proposals to support Graduate Research Assistants to work with and be mentored by a faculty member for the Spring 2024 semester. In the event the full GRA funding pool is not awarded following the conclusion of the Fall application cycle, a second, smaller application cycle is held at the beginning of the Spring semester. Applicants for the second cycle cannot be Fall GRA recipients.

The intent is to extend the student’s classroom learning, expose them to current challenges in their discipline, build analytical skills, and provide a meaningful work experience that will also benefit faculty in the development of their research and scholarship agenda. Through this program, we also hope to encourage faculty to submit external grant applications that include graduate research assistants.

Funds are available to support a very limited number of GRA positions for the spring semester. If you are interested in mentoring a GRA, please submit a completed proposal, using the Round 2 GRA Application Form, by February 2, 2024.

Note: Proposals that do not use the required Google Form application will not be reviewed.

The application deadline for the Spring 2024 GRA grant will be on February 2, 2024.

Upcoming Grant Period
Grants awarded in Spring 2024 must be conducted between February 12, 2024 and June 15, 2024.

GRA Funding
The maximum award will be $2,000 per student, though amounts awarded are dependent on the number of applications received and availability of funding. The funds can be used to hire a graduate student assistant at a recommended hourly rate of $15.25. Additionally, a portion of the amount requested (inclusive of the $2,000 maximum) may be allocated to the costs associated with a mentored GRA attending a relevant academic or professional conference.

Proposals need to include a clear and concise description of the project, the expected outcomes, and how the work will be evaluated and/or disseminated. Applicants should outline how this work benefits their discipline, their professional research/scholarship agenda, and the student. Applicants should include a short job description for the Graduate Research Assistant position, including responsibilities, required skills, and any other pertinent aspects that will be used when the open position gets posted on the Student Employment website. If the application includes funds for conference travel, the applicant must identify the conference, its location and dates, and explain how it will enhance the student’s learning and academic growth.

FOR FACULTY: Full-time term and tenured/tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply. Current GRA recipients from the Fall application cycle are not eligible. 

FOR STUDENTS: Students must be enrolled in Emerson graduate courses during the academic year, and not be employed by the College as a teacher or affiliated faculty member.

Eligible Projects
Examples of Eligible Projects:

  • Support for a student to assist in research, literature review for a book or other project
  • Support for a student to assist in development or curating of curricular or scholarly materials
  • Support for a student to assist in data collection, cataloging, and analysis
  • Support for a student as a film or production assistant
  • Support for the student to attend an academic or scholarly conference related to their field of study (alongside student wages)

Ineligible Projects Examples of Ineligible Projects:

  • Support for a student to provide general clerical and administrative assistance for regular academic and teaching duties
  • Projects that do not clearly demonstrate a meaningful work and learning experience for students
  • Compensation or support for regular curricular, credit-bearing activities, such as coursework, theses, or directed studies
  • Requests for travel/conference funds that do not also include student wages

Criteria & Considerations Proposals must include:

  • A clear and concise description of the project
  • The expected outcomes of the project or research
  • How the work will be evaluated
  • Outline how this work benefits your discipline, your professional research/scholarship agenda, and the student
  • Include a short job description for the Graduate Research Assistant position, including responsibilities, required skills, and any other pertinent aspects that will be used when the open position gets posted in Workday
  • If the application includes funds for conference travel, applicants must identify
    1. The name of the conference
    2. The dates and location of the conference
    3. An explanation of how the conference will enhance the student’s learning and academic growth

The maximum award will be $2,000 per student at a recommended hourly rate of $15.25/hour.

GRA Application Form
Eligible faculty members can access the FY2024 GRA Application Form here.  Applicants can fill out the application and make changes to the form until the deadline date of February 2, 2024.

Spring 2024 Calendar

  • January 16, 2024: GRA Application cycle opens
  • February 2, 2024: Applications are due via Google Forms
  • February 2 through February 10, 2024: Review and selection of applications
  • February 12, 2024: Applicants notified of funding decisions
  • February 12 through June 15, 2024: Approved projects conducted

Review and Selection of Applications
ORCS will review the applications and make recommendations for selection to the Office of Graduate Studies and the Graduate Student Association.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to direct them  to 

The Laura Bassi Scholarship for Editorial Assistance: Applications Due November 30

The Laura Bassi Scholarship was established by Editing Press in 2018 with the aim of providing editorial assistance to postgraduates and junior academics whose research focuses on neglected topics of study, broadly construed, within their disciplines. The scholarships are open to every discipline and are awarded three times per year: December, April, and August. The value of the scholarship is remitted solely through editorial assistance as follows:

Master’s candidates: $750
Doctoral candidates: $2,500
Junior academics: $500

These figures reflect the upper bracket of costs of editorial assistance for master’s theses, doctoral dissertations, and academic journal articles, respectively. All currently enrolled master’s and doctoral candidates are eligible to apply, as are academics in the first five years of full-time employment. There are no institutional, departmental, or national restrictions.


Winter 2023

Deadline: 30 November 2023
Results: 11 December 2023

How to ApplyApplicants are required to submit a completed application form along with their CV using the portal prompted by the ‘Apply’ button below by the relevant deadline.

To help defray the Scholarship’s administrative costs, applicants are subject to a voluntary USD 10.00 fee. All applicants who are unable to pay the application fee are welcome to take advantage of the fee waiver option on the application portal. If you wish to pay the application fee in a non-USD currency, please consult the FAQ below for instructions.

Answers to common questions about the application process are provided in the FAQ section. In order to avoid delays, applicants are encouraged to read the FAQ carefully before writing to us with their questions.

Please do not submit your application material by email, as this would breach our impartiality rules and potentially invalidate your application. If you wish to update your application material, please upload your documents afresh using the same email address as your initial submission. Your dossier will then update automatically. Please also note that your application documents need to be uploaded together rather than separately.

Boston Athenæum Fellowship Opportunities

The Boston Athenæum offers short-term fellowships to support the use of Athenæum collections for research, publication, curriculum and program development, or other creative projects. Each fellowship pays a stipend for a residency of twenty days (four weeks) and includes a year’s membership to the Boston Athenæum. Scholars, graduate students, independent scholars, teaching faculty, and professionals in the humanities as well as teachers and librarians in secondary public, private, and parochial schools are eligible.

Applications for most fellowships are due annually by April 15. Additionally, the Athenæum participates in the New England Regional Fellowship Consortium, a collaboration of 31 major cultural agencies that will offer at least two dozen $5,000 awards for eight weeks of research between June 1, 2024 and May 31, 2025. Applications are submitted online via the Massachusetts Historical Society, and are due February 1, 2024.

Faculty Spotlight – November 2023

Performing Arts Professor Magda Romanska’s celebrated 2013 play, Opheliamachine, will be published by Methuen Drama in February 2024. Bringing together eight different translations and two introductory essays, this new edition was supported in part by an award from the Faculty Advancement Fund Grant (FAFG). 

CSD Associate Professor Rhiannon Luyster was awarded a new subaward from New York University for an NIH-funded project entitled, “Language processing and word learning in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder.” This is Dr. Luyster’s second NIH-supported collaboration with Professor Sudha Arunachalam of NYU’s Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders.

Three VMA faculty members were awarded Pre-Production and Early Development Grants by the LEF Moving Image Fund for feature-length documentary films they are currently working on. These are Marc Fields and Shaun Clarke for The Midway in Sunlight and Shadow; and Kathryn Ramey for SILVER & earth.

WLP Affiliated Faculty Member Michael Boezi, who is also a musician, released a single, “Fever“, on his website and on all streaming services. Supported in part by a grant from the Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF), the song is about, in Michael’s words, “having empathy for the victims of disinformation, propaganda, and gaslighting. We have more in common than the media distortions of division, and we have to start talking to one another in order to solve the urgent issues of our time.”

VMA and WLP Affiliated faculty member Dr. Jocelyn E. Marshall published three scholarly articles in 2023: “Collaborative timeslips in Gabrielle Civil’s black feminist performance art and writing” in Women and Performance: A Journal of Feminist Theory 32, no. 2 (2023): 1-27; “Calling Out and In: In Plain Sight and Queer Feminist Care at the Border(s)” in Public Art Dialogue 13, no. 1 (2023): 101-123; and “Sexual-Textual-Spiritual: Artistic Practice & Other Rituals as Queer Becoming and Beyond” in Rejoinder (journal of Rutgers University’s Institute for Research on Women), Issue 8, May 2023.

AY2023-24 Graduate Student Assistantship (GRA) Grant Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship, the Office of Graduate Studies, and the Graduate Student Association would like to congratulate the following faculty members, who were awarded funding from the Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) program this year:

Current RankDepartmentProject
Raquel PidalAssistant
Writing, Literature, and PublishingRe-Visioning: A Guide to Developmental Editing for the Twenty-First Century
Mili MathewAssociate ProfessorCommunication Science DisordersAspects of Hand Gesture and Discourse Production in Persons with Fluent and Nonfluent Aphasia
Joshua Rashon StreeterAssistant
Performing ArtsTheatre for the Very Young: New Work Development Process

Formed from a partnership between the Graduate Student Association, the Office of Graduate Studies, and the Office of Research and Creative Scholarship, the GRA grant intends is to extend the student’s classroom learning, expose them to current challenges in their discipline, build analytical skills, and provide a meaningful work experience that will also benefit faculty in the development of their research and scholarship agenda.

Grants for Creative Individuals (Massachusetts Cultural Council): Application Open Through December 11, 2023

Taking the place of long-running programs such as the Artist Fellowship, Cultural Sector Recovery Program, and Traditional Arts Apprenticeships, the Grants for Creative Individuals program seeks to “equitably advance creativity throughout the Commonwealth with unrestricted grants to individuals who demonstrate achievement of creative expression and commitment to their artistic/cultural practice.”

Eligible applicants can apply for unrestricted grants of $5,000, which will be awarded to “artist[s], culture bearer[s], or creative practitioner[s] active in any artistic/creative discipline… [who] demonstrate achievement of creative expression and commitment to their artistic/cultural practice.”

Who Can Apply

MCC encourages you to apply if you are:

An artist, culture bearer, or creative practitioner active in any artistic/creative discipline. For this program, the definition of “artist/culture bearer/creative practitioner” includes individuals whose creative expression is based in: community-based arts, crafts, dance, design, digital, film/video, folk/world/traditional arts, native/indigenous arts, literature, music, performance, photography, theater, and visual arts.

If you have any questions about whether your work is eligible for this grant, contact the MCC.

AND you meet all the following requirements:

  • You are 18 years of age or older.
  • You are a full-year resident of Massachusetts for calendar year 2023 AND when grants are awarded in Spring 2024. This means you maintain your “legal residence” in Massachusetts, and you meet the definition of a “full-year resident”. Both terms are defined in the Massachusetts tax code.
  • You are not currently enrolled at a college or university as a full-time undergraduate student or as a graduate student in the arts.
  • You did not receive a Cultural Sector Recovery Grant, Artist Fellowship grant, or a Traditional Arts Apprenticeship grant over $2,000 in 2021, 2022, or 2023.
  • You are not a governor-appointed Mass Cultural Council member. Mass Cultural Council staff and family are likewise ineligible to apply.

Additional Information

As this award is made directly to the individual, submission through Emerson College and coordination with ORCS is not required.

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