Author: Eric Asetta Page 3 of 6

Call for Proposals: Norman and Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award – Pre-Approval due March 17; Applications due April 10

Norman & Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award


Several years ago, the late Dr. Norman Stearns and Irma Mann Stearns established a distinguished faculty award in their name to honor a full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty member in recognition of outstanding scholarly or creative achievement. A $3,000 award is presented annually to at least one applicant. This funding may be used to enhance an ongoing project or for the development of a new scholarly or creative endeavor. In accordance with the family’s wishes, travel is strongly encouraged to be a part of the project activity.

Key Due Dates

  • Pre-Application Notification Due: March 17,2023
  • Final Applications due to ORCS: April 10, 2023
  • FDRC Review of Applications: April 11 – April 20, 2023
  • FDRC Recommendations submitted to Provost: by April 25, 2023
  • Applicants Notified of Funding Decision: by May 5, 2023

Current Mann Stearns awardees must utilize their funds between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.


Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty members are eligible to apply for the Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award.


In evaluating proposals, the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC) will consider:

  • The applicant’s scholarly or creative achievement(s);
  • The quality, merits, feasibility, of the project for which the award funds will be used;
  • The inclusion of travel as a necessary component of the project; and
  • Publications, audio/video samples, or other supporting material.

Pre-Application Notification

If you intend to apply for a Mann Stearns Award, you must first submit a Pre-Application Notification email to ORCS by March 17, 2023. The body of the email should include a summary (1-2 paragraphs) of your proposed project, and a brief description of how you would use the $3,000 award. After you have submitted your notification, you will be sent the link for the Mann Stearns application form (see “Application Instructions” below).

Review Process

All applications will be reviewed by the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC), and with input from department Chairs, school Deans, and Academic Affairs. The FDRC will make the final recommendations to the Provost for funding. The Provost’s selections are final.

AY23–24 Calendar

March 3, 2023Norman & Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award is announced.
March 17, 2023Pre-Application Notification Email due to ORCS.
April 10, 2023Applications due via Google Forms.
By April 20, 2023The FDRC will evaluate all proposals and make recommendations to the Provost for funding.
By May 5, 2023The Provost, in consideration of the recommendations provided by the FDRC, along with feedback from Department Chairs and School Deans, will make final selections
By May 12, 2023Recipient(s) are notified that they are receiving the award.
July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024Grant Period
June 15, 2024Receipts for expenditures needing reimbursement must be submitted via Workday by this date.

Application Instructions

This year, we have migrated the application packet to Google Forms. The advantages to this format include:

  • Email recognition: The form will recognize your Emerson email and open a blank application that will be automatically saved in your name.
  • Elimination of portable document errors: Reviewers will log directly into Google forms to read applications, removing the need to send electronic documents back and forth and reducing the chance for error.
  • Auto-save: The form saves your work automatically as you proceed.
  • Document uploads: Budget requests are now uploaded as a separate file, and you can also upload supplementary documents to bolster your proposal. 
  • Ability to make revisions until the deadline: Applicants can make changes to their form up until the due date (April 4).

After you have submitted your pre-approval, you will be sent the link for the Mann Stearns application form.  After you submit your proposal, you will receive a copy of your responses via email, and will have until April 10, 2023, to make any changes. 

Applicants may include supplemental materials (publications, PDFs, media) that support their proposals with their submissions.

In addition to the application form and supplemental materials, a two-page curriculum vita should be included with each submission.

Final Progress Report Requirement

A final written report is not required, but the successful applicant is expected to meet with members of the Mann Stearns family and other members of Emerson College to discuss the final outcome and deliverables.

National Science Foundation Update: Enhancements to the NSF biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support fillable PDF formats

NSF has recently made enhancements to the biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support fillable PDF formats. The updated formats are consistent with the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) and are available on the NSF biographical sketch and current and pending (other) support websites. NSF made the following enhancements in response to feedback received from the research community:

Current and Pending (Other) Support

  • Corrected the Status of Support radio button
  • Corrected fonts and margins for compliance with NSF policy
  • Included the revision date (rev. 01/19/2023) at the bottom of each page

Biographical Sketch

  • Corrected margins for compliance with NSF policy
  • Included the revision date (rev. 01/19/2023) at the bottom of each page

Staff from NSF and NIH conducted a webinar to discuss the revised formats and demonstrate the SciENcv system. A recording of the webinar will be made available in the coming days at:

NSF appreciates the feedback from the research community. Additional feedback and questions may be submitted to:

Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Program: AY2022-23 Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is pleased to announce the awardees of this year’s Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Program:

Full NameDepartmentProject Title
Amer LatifMarlboro InstituteLiterature Review: The Role of Imagination and Play in Living Life’s Paradoxes and Contradictions
Eileen McBrideMarlboro InstituteCommunication Self-Efficacy in d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing Adolescents: Improving access and participation in general education settings.
Kaysha CorinealdiMarlboro InstituteMagazines for Revolution
Magda RomanskaPerforming ArtsThe International Online Theatre Festival
Maria San FilippoVisual and Media ArtsAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR Promotional & Publicity Campaign
Phillip GlennCommunication StudiesAnalyzing the efficacy of positive communication practices: Data gathering and analysis
Rhiannon LuysterCommunication SciencesTranscription of parent-child play sessions

About the GRA:
Made possible with support from the Graduate Student Association and the Office of Graduate Studies, the Graduate Research Assistantship Program intends is to extend the student’s classroom learning, expose them to current challenges in their discipline, build analytical skills, and provide a meaningful work experience that will also benefit faculty in the development of their research and scholarship agenda. Each year, funds contributed by the GSA, OGS, and ORCS are awarded as a small number of competitive grants to full-time faculty, for the purpose of hiring a graduate student during the academic year. Through this program, we also hope to encourage external grant applications that include graduate research assistants.

Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowships for Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers- Applications Due January 6, 2023

The Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation recently issued its 2023 call for applications for Fellowships of Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers

The primary purpose of the fellowship is to enable teachers (with an emphasis on present teachers at the college or university level) to study abroad or at some location other than that with which they are most closely associated. The aim is to stimulate and broaden the minds of teachers so as to improve and enhance the quality of their instruction. Grants are primarily for travel and related expenses (salary, scholarships, and equipment are not allowable on these grants).

If you intend to apply, please complete and submit an ORCS pre-approval form (which can be accessed via your Emerson ID and PIN) no later than Friday, December 9 (instructions for using the pre-approval form can be found here). The final application documents must be delivered to ORCS at least three business days before the sponsor deadline of January 6, 2023.

Forms and templates for the program can be downloaded here. The application consists of the following:

  1. Project Description (three pages maximum)
  2. Curriculum Vitae showing the application to be a university or college teacher
  3. Detailed budget indicating the estimated travel expense to be incurred in carrying out the project
  4. Completed Candidate Information Form (see attached document)
  5. Two letters of recommendation from fellow faculty members or professors. One of these must be from your department chair The supporting letters must be on official letterhead.

Award winners will be notified by email on Monday, April 3, 2023. Grants typically do not exceed $6,000 and may begin as early as the Summer of 2023. Projects must be completed no later than May 31, 2025. Applications received after January 6, 2023 will not be considered by the Foundation.

If you have any questions about this opportunity or the application process, please contact Eric Asetta or Diana Potter.

Faculty Advancement Fund Grant (FAFG): Now Accepting Applications for AY23-24

The Faculty Advancement Fund Grant, Emerson College’s flagship program for support tenure-line faculty research and creative scholarship, is now accepting applications for funding in Academic Year 2022-23. Pre-approvals are due by November 10 and are required to obtain the application form. The proposal itself is due by Monday, December 5.

The FAFG was established to enable the professional work of Emerson’s faculty in its efforts to sustain academic excellence in teaching, research/creative activity, and service. The Faculty Advancement Fund Grant supports proposals deemed likely to substantially improve the quality of research, publication, creative activities, teaching, and service that advance the mission of the College and the careers of its faculty.

Awards are administered according to the guidelines of the Faculty Development and Research Council (FDRC) in the Faculty Assembly By-Laws. Support for approved projects ranges between $1,000 and $10,000. Applicants may request monetary support or (in rare instances) support in the form of a single course release (see “Eligible Projects” for more information). The exact type and amount of award will be determined by the project budget request, availability of funds, and recommendations made by the FDRC and the school deans to the Provost.

Current FAFG awardees can find guidance on spending and managing their awards at the Utilizing Your FAFG Funding page.

Limited Submission Funding Opp: NEH Summer Stipend

Pre-Approval due Aug 19; Applications due Sept. 21

The National Endowment for the Humanities has announced its annual Summer Stipends fellowship competition for 2022. The NEH deadline for eligible proposal submissions is Wednesday, September 21. The award amount is $6,000 beginning May 1, 2023. 

From the NEH web site: 
The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. The program works to accomplish this goal by:

  • Providing small awards to individuals pursuing advanced research that is of value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both
  • Supporting projects at any stage of development, but especially early-stage research and late-stage writing in which small awards are most effective
  • Furthering the NEH’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the humanities by encouraging applications from independent scholars and faculty at Hispanic Serving Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and community colleges

Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.  NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.


For those of you who may be considering applying, please note that Emerson may nominate two tenured and/or tenure-track facultymembers to apply for the award. Because of this limitation, it is necessary for Emerson to review all potential submissions in an internal limited submission process. Applications submitted by tenured/tenure-track faculty without a nomination will automatically be rejected by the sponsor. 

On or before Friday, August 19, potential applicants must complete the Application Form for Provost’s Nomination via Google Forms.  Applicants must include a one-paragraph summary of their proposed project for review by the Provost.   

By September 2, after review by the Provost, nominations will be announced by the Office of Academic Affairs. The nominees will then have the opportunity to complete their proposals in time for submission to the NEH by its September 21 deadline.   

: Applications to NEH are submitted via ORCS will assist the nominees with this process. 

FURTHER INFORMATION: To find more information about the program, including a previously recorded webinar in which NEH staff answer questions from potential applicants, click on this link. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Eric Asetta or Diana Potter

Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund: Academic Year 2022-23 Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is pleased to announce the grant recipients of this year’s Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF) application cycle:

Faculty MemberDepartmentTitle of Project
Barry MarshallVisual and Media ArtsDany Silva “The Long Road” aka “Caminho Longi”
Caitlin McGillWriting, Literature, and PublishingYOU REALLY DON’T BELIEVE ME?
Cindy VincentVisual and Media ArtsNCA Presentation
Claire BarliantWriting, Literature, and PublishingAWP Conference 2023
Daniel DiPaoloWriting, Literature, and PublishingBoston Street Art and Artists: Curating the Heart
Erin TrahanVisual and Media ArtsBread Loaf Environmental Writers Conference
Livia MeneghinWriting, Literature, and PublishingDodge Poetry Festival: Conference Travel, Registration, & Accommodation for Writing and Teaching WLP Professional Development
Marie-Emmanuelle Thomas HartnessVisual and Media ArtsAttending Story Expo 2023
Mark BrodieCommunication StudiesSouthern of Our Border: Civic Diplomacy in Action
Michael LuegerPerforming ArtsThe Theatre History Podcast
Mina ChoPerforming ArtsPan’tata Project II <Samulnori Fantasy: Seasons>
Nerissa Williams ScottMarketing CommunicationWomen of Color should go to Film Festivals to Network
Patrick MarshallVisual and Media ArtsA Letter to Eric Anthamatten from the Rothko Chapel
Paul HaneyWriting, Literature, and PublishingA View from the Rails: Mass Transportation, Masculinity, and the American Dream
Paulina MacNeilVisual and Media ArtsAutofictional Short Film on Cape Breton Island
Rani NeutillWriting, Literature, and PublishingBTS : The Third Global Interdisciplinary Conference in Seoul
Sarah PloskinaPerforming ArtsSXSW.EDU Annual Conference

About the AFDF: The Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund supports the scholarly and creative activities of the affiliated faculty members of Emerson College. The Office of Academic Affairs administers the fund.

Faculty Fellowship Opportunities due in Fall 2022

As we head into the summer season, it’s a good time to start thinking ahead to the fall, when a lot of fellowship applications are due. Fellowships have deadlines all year, but a large majority are due in the fall (September through December) for the following academic year.

This post provides examples of some fellowships of interest to Emerson faculty that are due this fall.

For more information about fellowships, how they can supplement a pre-tenure or sabbatical leave, or when to apply for one, please contact us at

Fellowship Name



Arts, humanities, sciences & social sciences

September 8, 2022

Research abroad, many countries

September 15, 2022

all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences

September 28, 2022

scholarship or exceptional creative ability in the arts

mid-September 2022

Humanities, theme-based. Check back for 2023 theme

September 20, 2022

residential fellowship at Stanford Humanities Center

October 1, 2022

Historical studies, social sciences, sciences, math; residential fellowship

October 15, 2022

minority faculty; commitment to racial justice

mid-October 2022

Book for general public

November 30, 2022

junior faculty; funds projects that will make field/campus more inclusive

December 1, 2022

minority faculty

December 8, 2022

American history; theme-based. Check back for 2023 theme

December 2022

Guidance and Procedures for the Processing and Management of Restricted Gifts (Updated March 2022)

In June 2018, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an Accounting Standards Update (ASU) that clarifies and revises how a non-profit organization may account for “contributions of cash and other assets received” from an external entity. It is meant to reduce “diversity in practice” and improve guidance as to whether a transfer of assets is a contribution or an exchange transaction.

Based on this guidance, the Office of the Controller at Emerson College has determined that certain awards that were previously classified as “grants” or “agreements” may now be classified as contributions, and accounted for as “conditional (or restricted) gifts”. The basis for this is the FASB’s contention that, unlike an exchange transaction (e.g. a fixed-price service contract), contributions are not contingent on a specified level of service, identified number of units of output, or a specific outcome. They nonetheless may still contain stipulations previously associated with grants, including:

  1. A finite award period/period of performance
  2. Narrative progress and final reports
  3. Cost restrictions
  4. The requirement to return any unspent funds at the end of the award period.

In contrast, an “unrestricted gift” does not include any such requirements.

While the College is modifying how it classifies and records the revenue from contributions, the change in classification does not negate whatever requirements a sponsor may include in an award’s terms and conditions. Accordingly, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs has stipulated that restricted gifts shall continue to be managed by the College with the same oversight and accounting standards that were applied when they were deemed grants or contracts. Specifically, this means the following:

  • With the exception of contributions received by ArtsEmerson (which operates independently of the College’s academic departments), contributions that are identified as “restricted gifts” will still be managed in the same fashion as when they were labeled “grants.” The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship will continue to monitor expenses, advise on restrictions, and assist faculty with purchases, reimbursements, and compliance.
  • Unrestricted gifts will be the sole responsibility of the recipient and their department.
  • Consistent with the lifecycle process for funded faculty projects, ORCS will request a gift worktag (under the “Spendable – Former Grants” Workday hierarchy) for new awards, and facilitate the uploading of a spendable line item budget with the Budget Office.
  • All awards received from federal, state, or local governmental agencies, regardless of FASB guidance, will continue to be classified as “grants,” and managed accordingly.

For more information on this guidance, please contact ORCS at Details on the FASB’s updated guidance may be found here.

NSF Update: Required Use of for Proposal Submissions

In accordance with Important Notice No. 147, many National Science Foundation (NSF) program solicitations now require the use of for the preparation and submission of proposals. Please be advised that NSF will now start requiring the use of for the preparation and submission of proposals in response to program descriptions. As a reminder, FastLane is targeted to be removed as a submission option from all funding opportunities when the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) goes into effect in January will remain a submission option for most NSF proposals.

National Science Foundation on Twitter: "Beginning on April 30, proposers  can prepare and submit full, research non-collaborative proposals in or in FastLane. Check out the new proposal site features ...

Program Descriptions in
To assist the research community, NSF developed a dynamic listing of program descriptions that require submission in Follow these steps to determine if your proposal for a specific program description must be prepared and submitted in

The document will identify program descriptions requiring preparation and submission and the associated effective date. This document will be updated on an ongoing basis as FastLane will be removed from all program descriptions as a proposal preparation and submission option when the PAPPG goes into effect in January 2023.
Since many program solicitations also require submission in, proposers should pay close attention to the requirements identified in those specific funding opportunities. Proposal Capabilities and Transition from FastLane Proposal Preparation
Nearly all FastLane proposal preparation and submission capabilities are now available in For details about the remaining proposal features that will soon be added to, please see the Proposal Submission Capabilities table on the Research.govAbout Proposal Preparation and Submission page. To stay informed about and FastLane changes, we invite you to join our System Updates listserv. Sign up by sending a blank email to:
NSF strongly encourages proposers to prepare and submit all supported proposals in now, to facilitate a smooth transition from FastLane proposal preparation to over the next several months. In addition, NSF relies on your vital feedback to help ensure the system is working as intended and to identify areas of improvement. Feedback may be submitted at Proposal Preparation and Submission Training Resources

Questions? If you have IT system-related questions, please contact the NSF Help Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM – 9:00 PM ET; Monday – Friday except federal holidays) or via Policy-related questions should be directed to

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