Internal Grant Programs

Emerson College provides several internal grant opportunities for faculty members. Click on the opportunities below to find out more about these awards, eligibility, timelines, and more.

ORCS Internal Grants and Workshops Calendar

The Internal Grants and Workshop Calendar lists the application open and close dates, review periods, final selection, and awardee notification dates for all internal grant programs throughout the year. Additionally, the dates for all of ORCS’s workshop offerings for faculty are included. You can add the calendar to your own Google Calendar by clicking here, or click on the image below to access a web-based version.

FAFG and AFDF Final Reports

If you were a recent recipient of an FAFG award and have completed work and expenditures, please click here to submit your Final Report. AFDF recipients may submit a Final Report for their completed awards by clicking here

Mann Stearns Final Report

No final report is required for the Mann Stearns award, but recipients are expected to meet with members of the family at future alumni events and gatherings to discuss their project outcomes.

Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA): Guides and Resources for Hiring Students

In order to start the process, you must create a Student Job Requisition in Workday– GRA funds cannot be added to an existing student assistant position. The instructions for doing this can be accessed hereIt is important to follow the instructions exactly as written– failure to do so will cause errors in the process and delay the timeline for recruiting and hiring a student. 

An example of a GRA job description can be viewed here

After you create your requisition, there will be several follow-up steps in Workday which you will be prompted to complete via email. It is important to follow up on these steps– otherwise, your job listing cannot be posted. 

Once the listing is posted, your student candidate (if you have identified) must apply for the position on Workday. From there, please follow the steps outlined in the referenced guides: