Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF): Now Accepting Applications For AY22-23 (Due March 14)

The Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF) is now accepting applications for support in Academic Year 2022-23. The AFDF supports the scholarly and creative activities of the affiliated faculty members…

Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowships for Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers- Applications Due January 7, 2022

The Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation recently issued its 2021 call for applications for Fellowships of Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers.  The primary purpose of the fellowship is to enable teachers (with…

Faculty Advancement Fund Grant (FAFG): Now Accepting Applications for AY22-23

The Faculty Advancement Fund Grant, Emerson College’s flagship program for support tenure-line faculty research and creative scholarship, is now accepting applications for funding in Academic Year 2022-23. Pre-approvals are due…

Issuance of NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (NSF 22-1)

The National Science Foundation has issued a revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 22-1). The new PAPPG will be effective for proposals submitted or due on…

Presidential Fund for Curricular Innovation: 2021 Curriculum Internationalization and Inclusive Excellence Studio Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship congratulates recipients of the 2021 Presidential Fund for Curricular Innovation (PFCI): Curriculum Internationalization and Inclusive Excellence Studio award. The following faculty and their…

Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund: Academic Year 2021-22 Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is pleased to announce the grant recipients of this year’s Affiliated Faculty Professional Development Fund (AFDF) application cycle: Faculty Member Department Title of…