Norman and Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award: Academic Year 2021-22 Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship is pleased to announce the recipients of this year’s Norman and Irma Mann Stearns Distinguished Faculty Award. This year’s recipients are Rashin Fahandej,…

Articles on Proposal Writing, Grantsmanship and Professional Development: Spring 2021

On Grant-Writing: Just What Are Your Project’s ‘Specific Aims’?What to include on the most high-profile page of your research-grant application: a section-by-section look at the key structural and content features…

Submit your Work to Iwasaki Library’s “Emerson Authors, Creators, and Researchers” Project

EMERSON AUTHORS, RESEARCHERS, CREATORS (ARC) Our full time and affiliated faculty are a vibrant community of Emerson Authors, Researchers, and Creators.  A survey of the landscape at Emerson shows there…