Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowships for Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers- Applications Due January 6, 2023

The Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation recently issued its 2023 call for applications for Fellowships of Higher Education of Present and Prospective Teachers.  The primary purpose of the fellowship is to…

Presidential Fund for Curricular Innovation: 2022 Curriculum Internationalization & Inclusive Excellence Studio Recipients

The Office of Research and Creative Scholarship congratulates recipients of the 2022 Presidential Fund for Curricular Innovation (PFCI): Curriculum Internationalization and Inclusive Excellence Studio award. The following faculty and their…

Limited Submission Funding Opp: NEH Summer Stipend

Pre-Approval due Aug 19; Applications due Sept. 21 The National Endowment for the Humanities has announced its annual Summer Stipends fellowship competition for 2022. The NEH deadline for eligible proposal submissions is Wednesday, September 21. The award amount…