Written by: Mary Kuczkowski, Class of ‘22 This past week, in a year pre-covid, I’d be lathering on the sunscreen, perfecting my “farmer’s tan,” and playing softball all day long in the Florida heat. It would be Spring Break after all, possibly my favorite week […]
Category: Student Wellness
Life in Quarantine
Written by: Mary Kuczkowski, Class of ‘22 My spring semester began with a call from Contact Tracing. I was informed that I was to quarantine for the next ten days because of an exposure to COVID-19. They gave me 90 minutes to gather my belongings […]
Saying Goodbye to the Little Building!
Ending my first year of college obviously did not go as I envisioned when the year started. Moving into Little Building in the fall was a dream come true for someone moving away from home for the first time. Knowing that the bedrooms, bathrooms, furniture […]
Saying Goodbye as a Grad Student
Like many others, when I first heard the news that COVID-19 had reached the United States, I didn’t let it worry me. But in the span of just a few weeks, it completely altered my living situation, my schooling, my future plans and my career path. At […]
Remote Learning – Perspective From a First-Year Student
Now that most students have officially moved off campus for about a month now, our lives and our daily routines have completely changed as we move on to remote classes/learning for the remaining of the semester. As a freshman, this was never how I expected […]
Combatting Isolation
By: Kalie Crago ’20 The past few weeks have been rife with change, uncertainty and fear. As the days move on and we all begin to settle into our new “normal,” one of the biggest differences in our lives is our new social sphere. In the age […]
First Time Back Home for Thanksgiving!
After spending three months away from my home, things will be pretty different when I return for Thanksgiving break. Since living in Boston, my routine has changed dramatically. I have already established a routine here at Emerson that is personal to my own schedule, […]
First Semester De-Stressors
Though it might feel like the school year just started, the end of first semester is quickly approaching. With last minute tests, papers, projects and more, the time between Thanksgiving and Winter Break may prove to be especially trying for your student. Thankfully, there […]
Hanging On Until The End Of The Semester!
By Jennifer Wood, ’19 We officially have less than two months left of the Spring 2019 semester and like most Emerson students, I am very much hanging on until the end of the semester. At this point of the semester, everyone has returned from spring […]
By Jenn Wood, ’19 As the month of October draws to a close and the month of November starts, the buzz on our campus has settled down. Students have joined student organizations, got the hang of their schedules, and are building new friendships and relationships […]