Staff Spotlight: Hanna Katz

Hanna Staff Spotlight

Name: Hanna Rose Katz


Position: Treasurer, Wilde Press Design Director


Major: Writing, Literature, and Publishing


Current internship/job: Peer Tutor at the Writing and Academic Resource Center


Favorite part of Pub Club: Losing myself in InDesign


Craziest Pub Club memory: As we started prepping for the launch in Fall 2015, it started pouring rain.  We still had to figure out how to get the food and books to the Bordy and set up for the launch.  While the next hour was stressful, we all kicked into high gear and the launch went smoothly (even if we all had soaking wet hair). It was incredible to watch the problem solving skills of our executive board in action as we all took so much pride in creating a successful event.


Why do you love publishing?: Publishing creates a space for writers and readers to exchange ideas that wouldn’t be available otherwise.  Without it, we’d only really have access to writers near us (either in proximity or in our circle of friends and family), but publishing connects people everywhere with stories and learning opportunities.


Patronus: A cat, but not the weird Umbridge cat, more like the cat McGonagall was when she transformed as an animagus.


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