Author: kyle_madigan

Digital Publishing is Beneficial for Children

Felicia Gullotta // Blog Writer Though living in 2016, an age where technology is easily accessible and widely embraced, there are still backlash against digital publishing. There is a clinging on to traditional print publishing and digital publishing seems to…

Why Can’t All Books be Good Movies?

Victoria Kiarsis // Blog Writer I have seen numerous films that have been adapted from novels, and I’m also currently taking a class called Novel into Film. What I’ve learned through my experience inside and outside of this class is…

The Risks of Publishing

Victoria Kiarsis // Blog Writer   City on Fire was released in October of 2015—you’ve probably heard of it, but you probably haven’t read it. In one year Garth Risk Hallberg’s book—his middle name incredibly ironic—has sold only 65,000 hardcover…

James Patterson and the State of Fiction

Christina Bagni // Blog Writer Stephen King, who sees himself as “the literary equivalent of a Big Mac and fries,” once called James Patterson “a terrible writer, but very successful.” Now, it’s fine to eat junk food and it’s fine…

From One Writer to Another

Daniel Gonzalez // Blog Writer As a Writing, Literature, and Publishing major, I’m constantly writing, whether for fun or because the vast majority of my classes (all of them) require it on a regular basis, and at some point you…