Author: Olivia Smith

Wilde Press Spring 2021 Audiobooks

Olivia Smith // Pub Club Vice President The Destruction of One, Penelope Evans by Isabella Rodrigues and Rootlines by Kelsey Day are the latest books in the Wilde Press catalog. However, these publications stand apart from their predecessors: they are…

Stretching and Submitting

Isabella Rodrigues // Wilde Press Author “You have to stretch before you run a marathon.”  That’s what I kept telling myself while writing The Destruction of One, Penelope Evans while marooned at my grandparent’s house over the summer. I had…

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Review

Lauren Simpson // Blog Writer “People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”  Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist The Alchemist is an introspective and symbolic piece that articulately presents its story and meaning through…

Surviving Shakespeare

Olivia Smith // Blog Director Shakespeare is intimidating. His plays are over four hundred years old, use archaic words and definitions, and can be filled to the brim with obscure references. Reading his plays is no small feat. Regardless of…

The Secret History Review

Ana Hein // Blog Writer There are some books that feel like rites of passage into the club of the “true reader.” There’s a transformative air about them perpetuated by the literary public: you read this book, you will never…

Press Spotlight: Shambles

Olivia Smith // Blog Director Finding places to submit your work can be one of the hardest parts of writing. With hundreds of different presses, journals, and literary magazines, the choices are overwhelming. Sure, there are plenty of catalogs – DuoTrope, The…