Author: Olivia Smith

Latine Author Releases of 2021

Laura Elias // Blog Writer Today, I have compiled a list of Latine authors and their books coming out in 2021. Authors as well known as Isabel Allende and debut authors like Monica Gomez-Hira will be featured in this list,…

Queer and Transgender Politics

Alli Armijo // Blog Writer In 2008, the City University of New York published a magazine issue composed of essays from different academics about gender essentialism in regards to transgender students attending a women’s college. Each essay creates a new avenue…

Drag: The Complete Story?

Alli Armijo // Blog Writer Drag is a cultural phenomenon popularized by the hit TV show RuPaul’s Drag Race. But what Drag Race does wrong is provide a misconception of drag as an art form. After all, drag queens—whether they…

The Bluest Eye Review

Lauren Simpson // Blog Writer The Bluest Eye, the first novel by Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison, is a compelling piece drawing attention to the expectations of women in regards to beauty through the eyes of a young black girl…

Un Sueno

Laura Elias // Blog Writer Sitting at a red light was not how I had envisioned myself telling my grandmother, of all people, that I wanted to be a writer. Yet there I was, fifteen, on the cusp of sixteen,…

Boston Book Festival

Emma Shacochis // Blog Assistant Last year, the annual Boston Book Festival took place over the course of a single October weekend. Attendants could wander through the activity tents and vendor stalls that bordered Copley Square, then head inside the…

Wilde Press Call for Submissions

Olivia Smith // Blog Director Since 2009, Undergraduate Students for Publishing has published two books per semester. Even though this semester may look and feel different, the Book Project is still going strong. As always, Pub Club’s imprint, Wilde Press,…

Literary Involvement in Black Lives Matter

Statement of Intent Undergraduate Students for Publishing at Emerson College stands with the Black community. The murder of George Floyd is but the iceberg tip of this nation’s pandemic of hatred and violence toward black lives. We call upon all…

Tips to Fight Quarantine Boredom

Lauren Simpson // Blog Writer It’s no secret that the vast majority of us are barely muddling through quarantine. We’re battling boredom, anxious about the world, and for a lot of us, back home with our parents and away from…