Author: Olivia Smith

Tips and Tricks to Navigating AWP

Olivia Smith // Blog Writer You may have never heard of it, but the Association of Writers and Writing Programs can be a huge resource to any aspiring writer or MFA candidate. Each year, AWP hosts a huge conference with…

Press Spotlight: HOOT

Olivia Smith // Blog Writer Finding places to submit your work can be one of the hardest parts of writing. With hundreds of different presses, journals, and literary magazines, the choices are overwhelming. Sure, there are plenty of catalogs –…

The Origins of Publishing, Part 2

Victor Morrison // Blog Writer As mentioned in my previous post, progress in the printing and publishing world did not cease after the invention of Gutenberg’s printing press. In fact, print media really took off after Gutenberg, as a huge…

The Origins of Publishing, Part 1

Victor Morrison // Blog Writer The history of publishing stretches much further back than the invention of the printing press or the creation of the book. The idea of leaving a mark or writing down a written message for others…