Category: About Publishing

WLP Town Hall Recap

Leanna Florez // Blog Writer On November 1, 2022, the Writing, Literature, and Publishing (WLP) chairs, Creative Writing chairs, and WLP Student Government Association (SGA) senator Izzy Astuto held one of the most well-attended WLP Town Halls yet. Students across…

The Saga of Sensitivity Readers

Emma Shacochis // Blog Director Not every author who includes diverse characters in their stories is going to be doing so from an #OwnVoices perspective, but they still may hope to properly portray their characters. In these cases, authors will…

Pub Club’s Internship Panel Recap

Emma Shacochis // Blog Director Spring internship deadlines are looming – are you ready for them yet? If you aren’t, and don’t know where to start, look no further than the tips offered by our very own team from Undergraduate…

Stretching and Submitting

Isabella Rodrigues // Wilde Press Author “You have to stretch before you run a marathon.”  That’s what I kept telling myself while writing The Destruction of One, Penelope Evans while marooned at my grandparent’s house over the summer. I had…