Category: About Reading

Which TikTok Books Are Worth the Read?

Kathleen Nolan // Blog Assistant If you’ve visited Barnes & Noble or your local bookstore recently, you’ve probably seen a “BookTok” table full of contemporary rom-coms, speculative fiction, and even YA novels. These genres have dominated TikTok, allowing new books…

Sex “Self-Help” Literature: Who Is It Helping?

by Alli Armijo // Blog Writer Tucked between the relationship and sociology sections of every bookstore, there are usually three to four books about female anatomy, often with selectively provocative titles about genitalia. However, these aren’t medical books; rather, they’re…

The Body: An Obligatory Haunted House

Allison Armijo // Blog Writer Carmen Maria Machado is no stranger to horror, as a genre, or as an experience. Critically acclaimed author of In the Dream House, a memoir about queer domestic abuse, Machado is known for confronting difficult…

Where History Begins

Andi Smith // Blog Writer I’ll ask you a question that seems simple: what is historical fiction?  That’s not a trick question: it’s just fiction set in a historical moment. It is, however, a bit of a trick answer.  According…