Students Partner with the Boston Globe and Emerson Polling for Survey Research

If you’re researching graduate programs, you may have noticed that many schools have different research and professional opportunities. At Emerson, our graduate programs offer a variety of high-quality opportunities to help students get the most out of graduate school. Today … Continued

Fiction MFA Student’s Manuscript Acquired by Simon & Schuster

If you’re interested in a graduate degree in fiction writing, Emerson’s Creative Writing MFA may be for you. Today we’re interviewing Natalie Lemle ‘24, a current student studying fiction. She’ll share the story of how she came to attend graduate … Continued

Answers to Your Questions About Emerson’s Writing and Publishing Graduate Programs

If you’ve been looking for the perfect graduate program in writing or publishing, Emerson could be the place for you. Today we’re interviewing Muzhgan Mia Bekdas, an admissions counselor for our three writing and publishing graduate programs. We’ll hear about … Continued

Five Careers for Writing & Publishing Grad Students

Grad school is a major investment in your future career and it’s much more specialized than your focus of study in undergrad, so it’s always a good idea to make sure your grad school plans align with your end-game career … Continued

Q&A with a Publishing & Writing MA Student

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Whether you want to shape the prose of fresh voices as an editor, represent writers as a literary agent, or work with exciting online publications and new media formats, Emerson’s prestigious Publishing and Writing MA will help you succeed in this ever-vital, … Continued

Entering the Publishing Industry: Alumni Spotlight Series

Jessica Thelander, an Alumnus of Emerson’s Publishing and Writing MA program, shares how she made the leap from student to professional by entering the publishing industry. Jessica Thelander Publishing & Writing (MA) 2016 I grew up in the suburbs of … Continued

Project Spotlight: Book Design

How do you go from crying tears over InDesign during your first week of class to voluntarily redesigning your book over Christmas break? Last semester I took Lisa Diercks’s Intro to Book Design class, and had two goals: Get through … Continued